6. Corey La Barrie - Sick

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I threw my phone back on the bed before drinking the rest of my water and throwing the empty bottle on the floor. I pulled the cover back over my head before I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said lowly and uncovering my head to see Corey open the door before closing it behind him

"Hey you okay? You haven't left you room all morning" he said concerned as he sat in my computer chair

"No I feel like shit; I don't know what's wrong with me" I said groaning

"How about this I'll be back in a little bit with some stuff and you don't have to get out of bed all day" he said smiling slightly

"That's sounds good to me" I said before grabbing my phone to see it was going on 1 PM

Corey picked up my empty bottles before leaving my room and shutting the door behind him before I slowly started to pass out.

*hour later*

I hearded a light knock on my door once again before I looked at my phone to see it was already 2:00.

"Come in" I said as I took the cover off my head

"Hey Corey said you weren't feeling well earlier and I just got here so I thought I would check up on you" Oscar said as he shut the door behind him and handed me a new bottle of water which I quickly opened

"Yea I just woke up again" I said skating my head before laying back down

"Alright well let any of us know if you need anything" he said before getting up and kissing my forehead before leaving me room. Truth is me and Oscar hooked up a couple times in the past and tried a relationship but it didn't work for us so we stayed friends.

Not long after Corey came in my room with 2 bags full of stuff and a bowl of ramen noodles.

"Alright I got you candy, chips, ice cream, cookies, some subway cookies, a salad, and a bunch of other stuff" he said as he put the ice cream and salad in the fridge before handing me my noodles and putting everything else on the floor beside the bed before grabbing my tv remote and going onto Disney + before playing the Jonas Brothers then kissing my forehead and heading for the door.

"Thank you Corey" I said smiling

"Anything for my friends now feel better " he said laughing before shutting my door

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