34. Oscar Guerra - hey pt.2

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It's been a couple weeks since I met Oscar at the mall and he's honestly a really nice guy. We hang out from time to time and I've also met his sister who is so sweet. Today me and Oscar were meeting up for lunch. I quickly got dressed before heading out to my car to the diner we were meeting at. When I walked in I saw Oscar sitting in the far corner with out food already on the table. I walked over to him quickly before sitting down across from him.

"Hey" I said with a smile

"What's up" Oscar said smiling back as well before placing his phone down

After awhile of us eating and talking we finally decided it was time to go. Oscar walked my over to my car since his was parked not far from mine.

"Well thank you for the lunch" I said as Oscar opened my car door for me

"Your welcome" he said smiling

"Well I'll text you when I get home" I said about to get in my car before I felt his hand grab my wrist. I turned around and couldn't process what was going on before Oscar put his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. Not long after we pulled away we smiled at each other before kissing once again.

*hey guys! I'm sorry it's so short but I promise I'm trying to get back to working on some stories! I saw where ohwellmack is doing some Christmas themed ones so I might actually try to do that everyday this week if y'all would like that!*

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