28. Ryan Herron - Seavey Pt. 2

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             I woke up to Kobe licking my hand. I slowly opened my eyes before rubbing them when I could finally see I realized me and Ryan fell asleep on the couch last night cuddling. I lightly smiled before reaching one of my hands up to her hair. I played with his hair until he started to wake up.

"Morning" Ryan said groggily while wrapping his arms around me tighter

"Good morning; now let me go I need to get dressed" I said laughing a bit

"No your warm" he said smiling while digging his head into my neck

"Ryannnnnn" I said giggling as I pushed him away before finally sitting up with my back against the couch. My legs were laid across Ryan while the rest of my body was against the couch. When he didn't have as tight of grip on me; I quickly hopped up and went over to my room shutting my door to get ready.

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I walked back out to see Ryan sitting on the couch still scrolling through his phone with Kobe right next to him

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I walked back out to see Ryan sitting on the couch still scrolling through his phone with Kobe right next to him.

"You can go get dressed now" I said walking over to the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone. Ryan went and got dressed with some left over clothes he has here before quickly walking back out fully dressed. I handed him a plate of food while we sat at the bar eating our food and scrolling through our phones quietly.

"Hey guys" Corey, Crawford, Oscar, And Brian said walking through the front door

"Yea no nu uh" I said getting up and trying to push them all back outside. Not long after I felt someone pick my up and throw me over their shoulder; I soon come to realize it was Daniel. He tossed me on the couch before walking away to fix a plate of food while I just gave him a glare. I soon got back up to finish my plate of food while the guys sat around eating. Soon after all the guys went outside to do whatever.

"You wanna come back with me to the apartment" Ryan asked soon after

"Sure" I said going outside to tell Daniel before leaving out the front door with Ryan. We ended up back at the Herron apartment after picking up chick-fil-a for everyone. I thanked Myta for the food before eating. Me and Ryan sat in the living room and watched my brothers new movie Cheer Camp Killer (Guys it comes out tonight and I'm so excited!!) Not long after Reese and Zach came downstairs to get their food.

"Hey Kinsley" Reese said giving me a hug before getting her food and eating with us

"What's up Kins" Zach said pulling me into a bear hug

The rest of the night we all hung out and watched movies before everyone started to go to bed. Ryan has done fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me and I was about to fall asleep as well but I thought I would text Christian before I do

Hey bubs I just finished watching your movie and I just wanted to remind you how proud I am of you. I'm so glad to call myself your little sister. You haven't let anybody stop you from doing what you love. Don't forget about me when you get your big role and become famous 😭 I love you bubs 💛

Aww sis🥺 I love you so much! I'm proud to be one of your big brothers! Thank you and I could never forget you! You have helped me become who I am today! I love you sis 💜

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