44. Kian Lawley - Amongus

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I sat at the counter drinking my white claw as I laughed at all the guys being their usual self's. I had on a light grey shirt with my Nike pros (or jean shorts) with some grey checkered vans. My hair was braided into two braids to keep it out of my way. Right now I was sitting with Tara, Kevin and Sam as we watched Crawford, Oscar, Will and Dyl joke around arguing with each other. We are at a house that Kian & Jc rented for the night to play amongus. I was the only girl participating but then again I usually am. Kian and Jc were downstairs filming their intro before running back upstairs so that we could film out introductions. I went after Kian seeing as they all said girl's first.

"Hey I'm y/n and I'm Grey. I'm gonna win because I'm the only girl playing and females are superior" I said making me and Jake laugh. I walked back inside sending Will out with Jake and went over to Kian who was sitting down on his phone. I lifted his arms and sat in his lap while he put his phone down and wrapped his arms around me.

"hey baby" Kian mumbled into my neck while leaving light kisses

"hey bubs" I said giggling as I grabbed his face bringing him into a kiss

"I missed you today I've been so busy here all day" he said once we pulled away as he pouted

"i missed you too and it's okay i know you've been busy" I said kissing his cheek

"I love you" he said looking me in the eyes as he held me

"I love you too" I said smiling as he brought me in for a kiss

"Yo Kian you ready" Jc yelled once we pulled away

"Yeah" he said lightly tapping my thigh as a stood up letting him up to film with Jc

They had us all sitting at the table while they told everyone the rules and what the task were. Soon they had us get up one by one to see if we were a crew mate or imposter. I went first which left me to get crew mate. I walked back over to the table sitting between Oscar and Will while everyone else got their fate. Soon after we started, I went down the stairs last so that I didn't have to deal with all their pushing and went to wash my hands first but soon left seeing as Ryan and Jc were both in there which made it sus. I was looking around for the room where I change the channels when I heard Oscar start screaming. We soon all went back upstairs to the table and sat around while Oscar explained how he found the body. I was sitting at the end of the table between Kian and Jc while Danny and Jake recorded us. They started arguing but soon after Jake told us it was time to vote.

"Umm I feel like their isn't much information so I'm gonna skip this one" I said before walking back inside

Once we started again I went downstairs and started Jenga so that I could hopefully finish before someone else died. Once I got done I went over to wires to do them quickly before going to unlock the tablet once Will got done. I then headed downstairs to put the cards in order passing Kian, Sam and Colby on the way. As soon as I got done I heard the horn go off letting us know there was a body. I quickly went up stairs with Crawf not far behind me. Once we got done discussing we voted like always.

"I vote Colby but I have a feeling it's Kian" I said laughing a bit. Once we started again I went to wash my hands passing Will on the way as he lightly hit my throat.

"Dude seriously" I said quietly while he laughed at me. Soon after Will and Kian had killed everyone so it was time for us to eat before starting another round. (Can we talk about how hard it was to be able to even watch the pt.2 bc it's not age restricted so I had to change my birthday 😭)

When we got done eating we got ready to start another round. I was crew mate which I was fine with. Kian kissed me quickly before we went downstairs since we haven't had much time together since we started. I went to do the wires again before hanging the hangers. Not long after I went downstairs to the bottom to do the trampolines. Soon after Kian and Crawford walked down behind me. I went back upstairs not long after to do jenga when I heard someone start yelling which made me look up and look over at Oscar who was in front of me. Soon after a body was called then we all ran upstairs to see Will dead. They all started pointing fingers at Sam seeing as he slipped up on something he said.

"I guess I'm gonna vote for Sam like everyone else" I said messing with Jake and trying to touch the lens

"You almost as bad at Kian" he said laughing

"HEY never curse on my name" I said which made us laugh before I went back inside.

Soon after started I did the upload upstairs and Jc ran over and sliced my throat before jogging downstairs while I shook my head at Danny disappointed. Once they were finally done killing everyone Kian and Jc decided that there should be one imposter. That round ended very soon due to it being harder. Poor Will. We went to pick again and I went first like usual. I pulled out a piece of paper that said imposter and I looked at Jake in shock. Before smiling then putting back on my regular face before going to sit down. I soon got a text from Kian not long after.

Kiki 🥰
I guess we're imposters 😏

baby 😍
I guess so 😉

Soon after we started and I went to the room where you have to change channels. After a while and everyone being sus of everyone there was a body called downstairs so we all went to the table.

"Umm I'm gonna skip because I mean I would vote someone but whatever" I said laughing before walking back inside

I soon ended up with Oscar and Will before Oscar walked off and me and Will went to look for a certain task.

"You gotta do this to? Okay you do it first" I said before walking over and slicing Will's throat

"Are you deadass" Will said looking at me before I told him to shut up and I walked off. I started walking around before I ran into Kian and Crawford before Crawf went downstairs.

"aye I killed Sam downstairs on the stairs" Kian said grabbing my arm

"Will's dead in the room down that hall in the closet" I said laughing a bit. Soon after we heard Crawford yelling downstairs about Sam.

"Um I guess Dyl hopefully that will save Crawf" I said before walking back inside

Kian killed Jc first round so that only left Dyl, Oscar, and Ryan. When we started again I just went downstairs and found something to do. I was in the tablet room when Kian came in and was standing at the door when Ryan walked past him which led him to slice his throat. I walked out the room after Kian telling Ryan to get on the floor and to be quiet. I was standing by the Jenga when I heard Dyl start calling the dead body. Dylan quickly started targeting me for the dead body even though he really doesn't have any evidence so I called him out on his shit.

"Ima vote Dyl because I know Kian has my back" I said before going back to sit down which led to a tie. Once me started Dyl started arguing with me but stopped when Kian called my name.

"Never mind" he said walking back upstairs I assume to kill Oscar. Dyl started arguing with me again as we stopped in the hallway

"Don't touch me, the deed is done" Kian said walking downstairs to us

"The deed is done? Okay" I said before slicing Dylan's throat. Once Kian and Jc filmed their outro we all sat around and just hung out.

"Alright I think me and y/n are going to start heading home" Kian said as we grabbed our stuff before we said bad and headed out to Kian's Tesla. As soon as we got in Kian put his hand on my thigh and started driving home. Once we got home we changed and brushed our teeth before getting into bed. Kian wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me before I laid my head on his chest as we fell asleep.

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