4. Oscar Guerra - Would you rather

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    I stood behind the camera with Jc and Bobby as Oscar, Will, Crawford and Corey all sat down at the table to film Oscar's Would you Rather video. Me and Jc were giving them questions that we found online and then at the end all the boys are gonna give someone their own would you rather.

"What's up guys I'm back with another video and today I'm with Corey, Will and Crawford and we are going to play would you rather than at the end we're gonna give one person a would you rather but Jc and y/n are behind the camera right now and their going to be giving us some would you rathers" Oscar said smiling

I've had a crush on Oscar for a long time and the only people that know are Chelsey, Franny, Corey and Will; Will only knows because he over heard me talking to Corey. Oscar is very flirty with me but so is some of my other friends and that's their personality but Corey and Will always tell me Oscar has a flirty personality but he flirts more and differently to me than any other girl.

Anyway we were half way done with the video when the boys brought me out of my thoughts about Oscar's smile.

"Hey y/n can you hand us a white claw pleaseeee" Corey said as the other guys gave me puppy dog eyes

I rolled my eyes before getting out my seat and opening the small fridge to get the 4 black cherry white claws. I handed 2 to Jc who gave them to Will and Crawford who were in the far end while I gave Corey his then I tried to give Oscar's his without getting in the camera but he grabbed the loop of my jeans and pulled me towards him.

"You have to say Hey to the viewers! Your supposed to be Nice" Oscar said as he took his white claw with one hand and wrapping his other arm around me

"Hey guys and I am nice unlike you" I said raising my eyebrows with a little smirk

"That's not true I am very nice" Oscar said rolling his eyes while smiling

"Yea keep telling yourself that" I said as I patted him on his shoulder then walked back over to me seat beside Jc.

I turned back around to see Will and Corey smirking at each other before turning around and smirking at me I rolled my eyes as I tried not to smile which made me quickly all of a sudden become interested in my shoes.

It was now time for the boys to give each other their would you rather and so far Will and Crawford have done theirs and they were pretty bad but now Will has to give one to Oscar and I'm a little nervous for that.

"So Oscar buddy" Will said smirking at him

"Yes" Oscar said smiling but you could tell he was nervous

"Would you rather date Nezza or y/n" Will said smirking more while Oscar lowered his head chuckling a bit while smiling. I looked at Will with the meanest look. If only looks could kill.

"Umm well" Oscar said chuckling while looking back up at the camera

"Come on bro we ain't got all day" Crawford said since he quickly caught on to what was going on as well as Jc

"Okay Y/n" Oscar said as he took a sip of his white claw then looked back down not before meeting my eyes for a second

"Ooooooooo" all the guys yelled before Crawford quickly gave Corey his would you rather since he knew I was a little uncomfortable

Once we got done filming I went and sat down on the couch after throwing my white claw away and going on to Instagram to see what people have been posting. Not long after I didn't hear any noise from the house so all the guys must have went out back with everyone else.

"Hey" I heard Oscar say as I looked up and saw him coming to sit down beside me

"Hey" I said smiling a bit as I put my phone down

"Look I meant what I said earlier. I really like you and I have for a while so I guess I'm asking if you'll go on a date with me tomorrow night at 8" Oscar said as he messed with his bracelet

"Yea sure and just for the recorded I like you too and I have for a while as well" I said smiling up at him

"Okay great so tomorrow" Oscar said smiling bigger now

"Tomorrow" I said smiling
Oscar smiled at me one last time before hopping up and kissing my cheek and then heading out back with the boys with a huge smile on his face.

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