24. Crawford Collins - sister

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Requested by : heavenly_flower22

    Leilani sat on the couch watching her brother and her friends film a video for Matthew's channel. She had just got done filming a truth or shot with Franny and she was in need of a good laugh. Leilani moved from South Carolina (since that is where Oscar is from) when she was 22 and she was turning 23 later this year. She has her own apartment not that far from the knj house but she doesn't like being alone. So she usually either stays at the knj house or Oscar's place since that is her brother after all. But ever since about a month ago; She has found herself staying at Crawford's place. Her and Crawford immediately had a connection when she arrived to California and everyone could see it. Oscar didn't know how he felt about it at first after all it is his little sister. Oscar didn't want to admit that his little sister was growing up. In his eyes; she was always his little sister. When Leilani got tired of Oscar being mad she sat down with him and had a talk. Oscar admitted that he didn't want his baby sister to grow up but she assured him that she will always be his baby sister.


"I just don't want my baby sister to grow up; you have always been my best friend I don't wanna lose you" Oscar said as a tear slipped down his face. Leilani quickly wiped it away as well as her tear falling down her face

"Oscar I'm not going anywhere; you are my best friend and always will be. I'll always be your baby sister no matter what. How do you think I felt when you got your first girlfriend? I was scared because I didn't wanna lose my big brother; my best friend; but I knew you were happy so I let it go and just kept my feelings to myself all because I wanted to see you happy. I love you Oscar; that will never change" Leilani said as Oscar pulled his sister into a tight hug while they cried knowing it's all just part of life

"I love you too and as long as he doesn't hurt you we're good" Oscar said smiling once they pulled away and stood up

"Really!!" Leilani said excited

"Yes really" Oscar said laughing at his baby sister happy to see her bright smile

"Thank you!" Leilani said giving Oscar another hug while Oscar kissed the top of her head before they separated and Leilani left the house to go to Crawford's.

* end of flashback *

Leilani brought a smile to her face before looking up and hearing her brothers big laugh which made her laugh herself. Soon after the boys got done with their video and Crawford walked over to Leilani sitting down beside her.

"You okay?" Crawford asked bringing his eyebrows together at Leilani's light smile

"Yea I'm good" Leilani said smiling bigger as she laid her head on Crawford's shoulder while Crawford's arm was wrapped his girlfriends shoulders

"You know what sounds good right now" Leilani said sitting up looking at Crawford

"What" Crawford said smiling while confused by his girlfriends sudden burst

"Taco Bell" Leilani said hopping up and grabbing Crawford's hand pulling him up with her. Crawford shook his head while laughing at his girlfriend before getting up and grabbing her car keys before walking to her car with Leilani right behind him. Crawford opened the door for Leilani before shutting it behind her before quickly getting into the drivers side of the 2014 white corvette before pulling off to get the food. Leilani plugged her phone into the aux before putting her playlist on shuffle. It didn't take long for them to get to there fast food restaurant where they gave to lady their long order of food since Leilani had texted the others asking what they wanted. Once they finally got their food they headed back to the house bringing all the food to the hungry boys since Leilani was the only girl there today. Once it started to get late Leilani and Crawford left going to his place of course. Crawford was too tired to mess around in the studio so he just went straight to bed; Leilani joining him not long after. Crawford pulled her towards him lightly before kissing her lightly then bring her to his chest. Leilani smiled while cuddled into his chest.

"Goodnight baby" Crawford said lightly almost asleep

"Goodnight love" Leilani said falling asleep as well

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