2. Crawford Collins - Reality House

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        I quickly got the paper ready for the vote. Since Kian and Jc needed as much help as they could get behind the scenes with the reality house I decided to come over and help. My boyfriend Crawford is competing but he doesn't know I'm helping behind the scenes.

    As the people came out one by one I stood out of site of everyone but I could see them and what they put. After they counted up the votes they gave me and Chelsey buckets to put ice and cold water in. Me and Chelsey walked out to where we were supposed to be and had to wait for Bobby to get the ice for us. Me and Chelsey put some cold water in the two buckets while we waited. Not long after Bobby came back with Kian with 4 bags of ice. Not far behind I saw Jc with the contestants.

"Okay guys so their not done setting up yet but we're gonna go ahead and wait over there" Jc said pointing over to the tent where we were. Luckily Bobby was standing in the way so Crawford shouldn't have seen me yet. All the contestants went under the tent as we opened the first bag of ice while Crawford was talking to Jc.
Bobby handed me the last bag before going back to film as Crawford walked towards the tent when he saw me.

"Y'all got my girlfriend doing y'all's dirty work" Crawford said laughing a bit as he pointed at me; I quickly poured the last bag in the bucket before standing up and taking the hose from Bobby to add more water in the bucket before handing it to Chelsey

"Hey Babe" I said laughing a bit as I walked over to Crawford putting my arms around his neck while his hands were on my waist

"Hey Baby" Crawford said into my neck before kissing me then letting me go to say hey to the others I gave everyone I knew hugs Sarah and Jake being last since they were behind Crawford before going back into Crawford's arms.

*skip challenges*
Crawford just had to do a challenge were he had to eat bugs. Not long after he walked up to me asking me for a kiss.

"No you just ate a big" I said putting my hand over his mouth

"I brushed me teeth right after ask Bobby" he said smiling at me
I looked over to Bobby who laughed a bit before nodding his head

"Nah maybe later" I said shaking my head before kissing his cheek

"But baby" he said still holding on to my waist

"Whatttt" I said laughing

"What do I have to do to get a kiss" he said laughing still

"Go brush your teeth again" I said nodding my head

"Okay bet" he said before letting me go and running to the bathroom as I walked there behind him
I stood in the door way watching as he wash his teeth again. Once he was done he grabbed my face and smashed his lips on mine before I pulled away.

"Nah not just a peck you made me wait" he said grabbing my waist and kissing me again
Little did we know Bobby got the whole thing on video.

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