8. Oscar Guerra - Truth or Shot

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         Franny called me over to the house to film a video she also did with Nezza called Truth or shot (we are going to pretend that Oscar's name was never mentioned in the video with Nezza for the sake of the video) so Franny had Corey write down 6 questions for each of us to answer. Our drinks were just nasty items mixed with alcohol. Corey, Kian, Jc, Crawford and Oscar were all sitting behind the camera so I don't know how this gonna go.

"Hey guys so I'm here with my girl Y/n and today we are going to be playing truth or shot. Corey wrote down our questions again and promised that he wouldn't tell anyone so let's go" Franny said going first

"Kian easy the question was who is the most annoying" she said before placing it in the table

I picked mine up to see Corey's handwriting who is your crush; first and last name

"Fuck.....this is the easiest Corey really" I said looking at him like he was crazy while everybody laughed

"Oscar Guerra" I said then taking the shot right after

"What about me tf" Oscar said smiling big while everyone laughed

"Do I know" Franny said looking at me as I nodded my head at her
Franny then looked at her next question before laughing a bit then giving Corey the meanest look which made us laugh

"Kian" Fran said before taking her shot
I looked at my next question to see use your fingers to estimate how long you think Kian's dick is

"Wtf Corey I don't know" I said laughing while squatting down with my arms on the table laughing which made Corey die of laughter
I held my fingers up not far apart before laughing again

"It said use your fingers to estimate how long you think Kian's dick is" I said while laughing soon everyone else was laughing as Kian just shook his head while trying not to laugh
Fran looked at her next one read it answered it then took her shot quickly before it was my turn

What age did you lose your virginity

" I was 18 and the question was what age did you lose your virginity" I said with out a problem Franny didn't take long to answer her next one either before it was my turn again

I flipped my card over who is the last person you have made out with drunk full name
I looked at Corey with a mean look before putting the paper in my pocket.

"Corey everyone will think I am a hoe because I'm not saying this question out loud" I said a little worried

"Fuck it Crawford Collins" I said before taking the shot and seeing all the boys confused while Corey looked at me in complete shock and Franny just moved on since she already knew about that.
Not long after it was my turn.

Who is this room would you not mind hooking up with
As I read the question I could hear Corey trying not to laugh. I looked at him and lightly smiled before shaking my head

"Oscar Guerra" I said confidently while Corey looked at me pure shock before I took the shot
After a couple more rounds we were finally done and Franny ended her video. I walked over to the fridge before walking over to the couch to sit down before Crawford and Oscar joined me. I looked at them and laughed before shaking my head.

"What" Oscar said smiling

"Nothing" I said smiling back at him

"If this is about the questions I can tell Crawford his but I'm not telling you yours" I said looking at Oscar as he made a shocked face

"Crawford's was who is the last person you made out with drunk and even though that was like last year he is still the last person" I said with no problem since everyone already knew

"Ohh gotcha well I don't need to be here anymore so peace" Crawford said before walking out back to where everyone else was now it was only me and Oscar in the house

"I'll give you the questions but you can read them til I walk away" I said holding the questions in my hand
I put them into Oscar's hand before getting up and walking towards the back. I was at the back door before I felt a hand grab my wrist and turn me around.

"Why didn't you just tell me; I like you too Y/n" Oscar said as he cupped my face and brought his lips to mine

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