27. Ryan Herron - Seavey

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My name is Kinsley Seavey and I'm the youngest of the Seavey family. I'm 16 years old and I look closer to Daniel than any of my siblings. All of the boys family's are obviously pretty close but I'm usually hanging out with Ryan, Ava, and Ashley.

Today Ryan is supposed to come over and Ashley might come over later tonight to spend the night with us. Another thing is that I live with Christian and Daniel since they said I could because they are kinda the closest to everyone else. Right now I'm sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram when Crawford, Corey (💙), Dylan, Will, Oscar, Brian and Corbyn walked through the front door.

"Hey baby Seavey" Corey and Crawford said before coming to sit beside me giving me hugs

"Seavey how is our bean army" Corbyn said standing in front of me trying not to laugh

"They are growing up and becoming strong" I said before standing up and giving him a hug which he returned. When I first met the boys; me & Corbyn decided we would build a bean army to take over the world. I'm close to all the boys I just have a little bit closer bond to Corbyn.

I gave all the other guys a hug before getting a water bottle and sitting down on the couch while all the guys including Christian and Daniel sent out side to workout. As they all passed me on the couch they all gave me a kiss on the head. Soon after Ryan showed up with food.

"Hey Kins" He said once he walked inside

"Hey Ry" I said getting up and giving him and hug before grabbing the bag and getting my fries while quickly putting the bag in my room so that none of the guys would take it and walked out back with Ryan.

"Hey idiots" I said walked towards them leaning against the wall

"Don't call us idiots that is very rude.... oh hey Ryan" Corbyn said laughing a bit

"Hey Ryan" my brothers said as they all dabbed him up

"Guys this is Zach's younger brother Ryan" Daniel said before going back to whatever he was doing

"I know you looked familiar" Corey said loudly while we all started at him before starting to laugh. After a while of us goofing off with the guys; me and Ryan went inside to start a movie marathon since Ashley said she wasn't going to be able to make it.

We got whatever we needed including my blanket from my room and started playing Aladdin when I slowly started to fall asleep. Ryan wrapped his arms tighter around me before falling asleep as well

The guys walked inside once they were done with their workout to see Kinsley and Ryan cuddled asleep on the couch. Daniel walked over to the coffee table and cut off the tv and grabbed all of their snacks and drinks to put everything away while Christian grabbed Kingsley's blanket and laid it over their lower half's so that they wouldn't get too hot. Christian kisses the top of Kinsley's head; Daniel soon doing the same thing before they went into the kitchen with the other guys.

"Aww look at y'all being good big brothers" Oscar said jokingly

"Yea it's normal" Daniel said shrugging his shoulders smiling

"Is that normal" Corey said pointing over at the two 16 year olds

"Yea ever since the beginning of the band all of our families have been close" Christian stated like it was nothing

"But if THAT normal" Crawford said once again pointing at the two teens

"Yea; everyone wishes they would date and everyone knows they have feelings for each other just won't say nothing about it" Daniel said smiling a bit while Christian shook his head smiling as well

"Okay then" most of the guys said before laughing at the end

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