14. Crawford Collins - new friend ?

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           The whole day I've been hanging out with my cousins; the Seavey's; actually for the past couple days I have and this morning I went with Anna shopping.

"What about this" Anna asked as she held 2 different shirts up

"I like that one more" I said pointing to the one she held up in her left hand

"Okay I'll get that one then" she said before putting the other shirt and moving around to look at the other clothes

I looked at my phone to see a message from Daniel

Your coming with me to the C4 house; Christian is already over there

Y/n 🤩💙
Okay; we're leaving the mall now

Once we got back to the house and I put all my things away; Daniel told me it was time to go.

It didn't take us very long to get there but once we did we quickly went inside where I saw Christian sitting with 5 guys and 1 girl.

"Guys this is our cousin Y/N" Daniel said pointing at me as I smiled at everyone which they returned

"Y/N this is Jc, Chelsey, Wyl, Dyl, David and Oscar" Christian said pointing to everyone

"Well it's nice to meet you" Jc said as he smiled while everyone else agreed with him

After a while of all of us just getting to know each other; Me, Christian and Oscar decided to go play Mario kart while Oscar streamed it. Towards the middle of the game we heard the front door open and a new voice from the living room.

"Looks like Crawford is back with the pizza" Oscar said not taking his eyes off the game. Soon after Jc walking in with a kinda short guy with slightly blue hair.

"Guys we brought you a box of pizza" Jc said as he sat it in front of us while we all thanked them. Soon after I beat the boys for the 4th time in a row

"Your good Y/N" Jc said nodding his head

"Thanks" I said lightly smiling
Oscar kept shaking his head at his stream as they roasted him while Christian fixed himself a plate of pizza with I quickly followed him in.

"Oh I'm Y/N; I'm the Seaveys cousin" I said sitting my plate down while turning to the blue haird boy

"Hey I'm Crawford" he said smiling while holding out his hand; his smile of contagious; I shook his hand while smiling back

I can already tell this boy will be the death of me...

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