11. Crawford Collins - Kid pt2

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After about an hour and a half Crawford and Everlyn both woke up and came outside where me, Corey, Christian, Wyl and Oscar were.

"Momma" Ev yelled once Crawf opened the door

"Yes baby" I said bending down to her height

"I wawt cwicken nugs" Everlyn said and we all giggled at her

"Okay we can go to McDonalds in a bit" I said standing back up

"Get us all McDonalds" Kian said walking out front

"Okay text me all your orders" I said as I started to walk to the gate with Ev behind me

"I'll go with you" Crawford said picking Everlyn up and walking with me to my car. Crawford buckled her up in her car seat before getting in the passenger seat. Crawford pulled up a game on his phone before giving it to her as I pulled away from the house.

"Thank you" I said smiling

"For what" Crawford said smiling back at me

"For everything; being a good friend, for loving Everlyn and everything else" I said smiling slightly

"You don't have to thank me; I love you both" he said chuckling slightly I could feel the heat rising on my face I just hoped that he couldn't see it

"That reminds me" Crawford said shifting in his seat slightly

"What" I said a little confused

"Will you go on a date with me" Crawford asked nervously

"Yea of course" I said chuckling a little bit smiling I looked over at him slightly to see him smiling back at me before grabbing my right hand and lacing our fingers together.

When we pulled into the drive thru we quickly gave them the order and paid before we were handed our food. Crawford opened Everlyn's happy meal which she was happy to get since she was begging us for it. Crawford handed her the chocolate milk after opening it for her before putting her food and toy back with the rest.

When we got back to the house I got Everlyn while Crawford, Oscar and Christian got the food. We all went to the backyard sitting around talking while eating. Everlyn was cuddled up to Crawford's chest beside me as she ate her fries. I don't know what I would do without these people they have made my life amazing.

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