25. Oscar Guerra - School

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I woke up at 5am wrapped in my boyfriend Oscar's arms. I softly moved his arms and put a pillow beside him which he quickly grabbed onto. I walked to the bathroom quietly to get dressed since I went ahead and put my clothes for school in there. I got to LA state (idk if that is rlly a school) and one of my classes is at 7am this morning.

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Once I was done getting ready I went back into his room to see him still asleep

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Once I was done getting ready I went back into his room to see him still asleep. I walked over to my book bag grabbing it and anything else a needed. I walked over to Oscar kissing his cheek before walking over to the door

"baby" I heard Oscar say quietly I turned around to see him looking at me which his eyes slightly closed. I walked over to him giving him a kiss before leaving

*skip to when she comes home*

I walked in to the C4 house to see Will and Dylan making a chair with London right beside them. I soon noticed Brian walking around the corner vlogging.

"This is true friendship" Brian said before pointing the camera at them then me

"Hey look Y/n 's home" Brian said excitedly which made Will and Dylan look up to see me

"Hey y/n" they said smiling at me

I said hey back to them before walking to Oscar's room to put my stuff down. I opened the door to see Oscar sitting at his computer. He turned around to see me before smiling and getting up grabbing my book bag putting it on the floor before hugging me and kissing my head. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest.

"How was school" he said quietly

"Good" I said closing my eyes

"I got you y/f/r by the way" Oscar said once we let got and handing me the bag

"Thank you" I said excitedly before heading downstairs to eat down there with him right behind me. Oscar sat down beside me and scrolled through his phone while I ate. Once I was done he stood up putting his phone in his pocket before picking me up bridal style and brought me to his room laying me on his bed before climbing in beside me wrapping his arms around me and kissing me lightly while I giggled before cuddling his head into my neck.

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