43. The Boy's - protective

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I threw my last bit of trash away from the food we ordered today from In & Out. Right now, Brian was streaming in his room with Dylan and Shawn coming in and out of the room at times while Jc and Will stayed in there with him. Oscar was just walking around yelling like usually. I grabbed my phone before heading towards Brian's room.

"Ooo look who's here!! It's my bestfriend" Brian said grabbing my arm and bringing me in frame causing me to bump into Will

"Sorry" I said lightly to Will

"Nah you good" he said before sitting down at the end of the bed

"Hey guys" I said smiling and waving at the camera

"Isn't she just precious guys" Brian said smiling

I sat down behind Brian on his bed beside Jc and Will while still in frame. We sat around answering some questions per usual. After about an hour we all decided to leave Brian's room to start calming down for the night. We went into what used to be the filming room and started watching monsters inc. I laid on the bean bag with a blanket covering me. London decided to come lay with me not too long into the movie. I cuddled up to London before slowly falling asleep.

The boys POV

"I don't know what we would do with out her" Jc said shaking his head

"Yeah we would be lost" Oscar said as he grabbed y/n's phone to plug it up

"I swear if anyone tries to break her heart or hurt her... they will get what they deserve" Dyl said

"she's too sweet. Nobody better break her" Will said

All the boys kissed y/n on the head before cutting off the lights and leaving her to sleep. Will knew London would rather stay and lay with y/n so he let her be.

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