9. Oscar Guerra - Seavey

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(Sorry for all the Oscar imagines I just keep coming up with new ones)

Right now I was headed to my little brothers friends house since they told me I should come over and meet them. They also said that I would get along well with them. Once I pulled up to the house I texted one of our many gc and told them I was outside. Soon after I saw Christian walking outside. I got out of my Jeep while slipping my phone in my back pocket and giving him a hug before we started walking towards the house.

 I got out of my Jeep while slipping my phone in my back pocket and giving him a hug before we started walking towards the house

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Christian held the door open for me as we walked inside.

"There's my older sister; guys meet my sister Y/N" Daniel said walking up to me and giving me a hug before looking at everyone

"Hi I'm Franny and this is Chelsey and Nezza" Franny said before giving me a small hug as well as the other 2 girls

"Sis this is Jc, Kian, Crawford, Wyl, Dyl, you already know Corey and that's Oscar" Dani said as he pointed at everyone; Corey got up from his seat from where they were about to start filming and gave me a hug

"Well it's really nice to finally meet you we hear a lot about you" Jc said laughing a bit while shaking his head

"Same these 2 never shut up" I said laughing a bit

"So wait; your twins with Tyler right" Kian asked me while everyone else looked at me smiling

"Yep sadly" I said as Christian laughed at me and Dani just shook his head smiling

"Well let's film this video quickly then we can get to know her" Wyl said as the others agreed
Not long after the video started the girls pulled me outside so that they could get to know me. By the time the boys were done the girls already knew a whole lot about me. Christian quickly came and pulled me back inside to the living room where everyone except the girls. The whole day I really just got to know the boys and everyone is pretty nice.

*2 months later*
Today I was going with Christian to the KNJ house like usual. Daniel is on your right now and I honestly miss my little brother. The house wasn't far from our place so it didn't take long for us to get there. We walked into the house to see Crawf, Matt, Oscar, Corey, Wyl and Maverick filming a video with a wheel.

"Hey Seavey's" Matt said loudly as we waved at him and laughed
Christian went outside to talk to everyone out there while I stayed inside and sat at the counter and watched the boys film. I watched Oscar more than the others but what's new. So over the past couple months I have grown a crush on Oscar. The only people that know are the girls and Corey. Once the boys were done filming the video everyone went outside except for Oscar. He stood up and walked over to me before smiling

"What" I said laughing a bit

"I know this is out of random but will you go on a date with me tomorrow" He said still smiling while rubbing his neck

"Yea sure I'd love to" I said smiling back

"Great I'll pick you up at 8 and dress casual" He said before giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking out side
Well that just happened...

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