13. Corey La Barrie - best friend

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Corey had texted me last night and told me that he needed me to come over tomorrow which is today so I left my apartment at like 11:30 and it's 12 o'clock now so pretty good timing. Corey was waiting for me outside but before I could get out the car he quickly go in the passenger seat.

"Come on we're having a Bestfriend day" He said while smiling

"Okay well where too" I asked laughing a bit as I pulled out

"Mc.Donald's first so that we can get milkshakes but then I need to drive" he said while plugging his phone into the aux cord

When we got our milk shakes we switched spots before Corey drive off to wherever we were going. Not long after we pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

"I'm taking you shopping but I'm paying" he said once we parked

"No I can't let you do that" I said laughing a bit

"Oh well it's happening anyway" he said as he got out the car
I rolled my eyes before getting out as well.

* skip shopping *

"Thank you Corey you didn't have to do that" I said as we put the bags in the trunk

"Well your welcome and your my Bestfriend ima always do something for you but now we are going to eat" He said once we got in the car

"Where" I asked

"What's with all the questions today y/n" he said laughing as I shrugged my shoulders

"Your favorite place" he said pulling out

"Y/f/r" I said excitedly

"Yep" he said laughing a bit

Once we got done eating we headed back to the KNJ house and just watched movies with everyone else.

"Thank you for today Corey" I said giving him a hug

"Your welcome y/n anytime" he said ruffling my hair a bit

And with that I told everybody bye before leaving and heading back to my apartment.

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