37. Jc Caylen - Gifts

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I walked into the C4 house with my son Ashton right beside me before he ran off to pet the dogs and cat.

"Hey girly" Brian said as he got up from the couch to give me a hug before hugging Ash

"Heyy" I said back with a smile

"Crawford and Nezza are upstairs, I don't know where Oscar is, Dylan surprisingly isn't here today and Will and Jc are in the other room" Brain said point towards the hang out/film room before we all walked that way

"Hey Uncle Will" Ashton said running up to Will to probably talk about anything while I walked over to where Jc sat quietly

"You so focused" I said making Jc jump

"Shit I didn't realize you were beside me" Jc said laughing a bit while I shook my head and laughed with him

"Well are you coming Christmas shopping with Ash and I" I said kissing his cheek

"Yea just let me finish this email" he said smiling at me

"Hey Jc" Ashton said walking over to us and sitting on my lap as Bryan and Will left the room

"Hey buddy" Jc said smiling at Ash while finishing his email

"You ready" Jc ask me as he stands up grabbing Ash from my lap. I follow him out the house over to my car since we didn't want to move Ashton's booster seat. Jc sat him in his seat before getting in the drivers side and pulling out.

*time skip*

We decided to go to Walmart since we could get most things there. I have done shopped for Ashton and my family so I only have to get the guys and I'll just get Jc's tomorrow. Not long ago Jc and Ashton ran off somewhere I guess Jc needed to get his mom and sisters something but I'm not sure.

*jc's POV*

"Alright buddy now we need to get something for your mom from you since I already got her something" I said as Ashton sat in the buggy

"Hmm I don't really know what to get her" Ashton said looking back at me

"How about we get your mom a candle and a new phone since hers is pretty old" I said looking around. Ashton quickly picked out a candle for her before we went over the electronics to look at the iPhones. I saw an 11 for a pretty good price so I called one of the workers over before going and paying everything and taking it to the car so that Y/n wouldn't see.

"Alright buddy lets go find mommy" I said grabbing Ashton's hand

*y/n POV*

I was look at the new PS5 games since Nezza just bought Crawford one before picking one out and putting it in the buggie.

"Hey" Jc said walking over to me with Ashton

"Hey" I said smiling at them

"You got everything done" Jc asked me as Ash sat in the buggy

"Yea I think" I said a little confused

"What did you get everyone" Jc asked wrapping his arm around my shoulders

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