chapter 1

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(btw this is the same night as the Orpheum night and they are all really tired)

"yeah!! I can ACTUALLY touch them now, it's crazy." I tell Flynn trying to catch her up with everything that went down after the Orpheum performance over the phone.

"sooo does that mean you can touch lukeee?" ugh I can literally see the grin on Flynn right now. "Yes Flynn. Yes, I can. As I said I can touch the WHOLE band." I roll my eyes.

"So, have you had any juke moments?" Flynn's voice went a few octaves higher. "I legit just came back from the show and you expect your little "juke" heart to be fulfilled. Nuh uh honey. Anyways I gotta say goodnight to the boys but come over tomorrow."

We say our goodbyes and I jump out of my bed and walk down to the studio. "What does "simp" mean?? Alex isn't telling meee!" Luke whines to Julie. He's too cute. WAIT. I wasn't meant to say that.

The boys laugh "picked this vocab off Willie"

"Uh like when your head over heels for someone I guess?" I laugh.

"HEYYYYYYYYY I'm not a simp. If anything, you're the simp here." Luke dramatically points at Alex.

"Why was he calling you a simp anyways?" I asked still trying to recover from our laugh attack at Luke. The boys all went silent. "uhm they we were just talking about our past high school life." Luke gives an awkward laugh. I raise an eyebrow but let it go.


Of course, it wasn't actually about my high school life. Alex was teasing me about the chemistry we had on stage and then called me a simp. Whatever that is. "right... I'm going to bed now. Night love you guys!" We all say it back at once as we get ready for bed too. She opens the studio doors and leaves. I have this sudden urge and next thing I know I poofed right outside where Julie just got to. She let out a little squeal and tripped over. Luckily, I caught her but we were now centimetres apart from each other.

Julie clears her throat, "uhm what did you want to say?"

I totally forgot why I was actually there for a minute after getting lost in the pools of her chocolate brown eyes. I mentally slap myself trying to revert myself to reality. "I just wanted to say thank you. You know for kinda saving our asses back there. I don't know where any of us would even be without you." I give her a little smile.

"Well without me you would still be stuck in that dark room dealing with Alex crying." we both laugh. "no but really, you guys made me feel alive. It's like I've been stuck in this dark hole for a year after mum died. But after you- I mean the band came into my life I feel like the luckiest girl on the world."

Hearing Julie talk about her mum honestly makes me emotional just thinking about how I left my parents. "come 'ere" I pull Julie into a hug. She rests her head on my chest and I cuddle next to her wishing this hug never ended. "Mija!!!" Tia shouts in a high voice from the house. We let go, "that's my tia, I should probably go now." I give her an understanding nod.

I'm just about to poof back to my couch but Julie speaks again "oh and Luke... thanks, for everything." She walked back inside before I can even react. I poof back inside the studio to find both Alex and Reggie already dozed off to sleep. I take my shirt off and jump onto my couch still smiling at the thought of Julie.

I dozed off for a few hours before hearing an ear-piercing scream. I gasp and fall off the couch. I look at my other bandmates and they are still fast asleep. "Julie." I whispered to myself and grabbed the nearest shirt next to me and instantly poofed to her room.

Hey guys!!! Hope you liked this first chapter. I don't exactly want to rush JUKE but there will still be loads of moments. And yes. Yes, I did just leave you guys on a cliff-hanger. Pls comment any suggestions you'd like I don't see many good JUKE fanfics around here so i obviously had to write this.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now