chapter 5

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It's been days and Julie and I still haven't talked things out. This argument is so petty! But then again we are both too stubborn to apologize first, I guess that's how we are both so similar.

Everyone is starting to get a little pissed off because we have an upcoming gig and we aren't close to ready.

""let's go one more time." Alex mumbles. Julie starts to play Stand Tall on the piano and begins her solo.

"uh hey julie your meant to go a bit lower at that part." i correct her.

"i think i know how to play my own part." she says coldly.
"oh i'm sorry "miss perfect" can i not even give you a correction now?"

"i didn't..." Julie gets cut off with an angry Alex.

"okay i've had enough! you're little argument is ruining the band as a whole. Can you guy PLEASE fix this?" Alex stops playing the drums and reggie just nods in a agreement.

"yeah i mean look how shit this performance is.  We played the Orpheum!! imagine pulling upto a small gig playing this! we'd be the laughing stock of Hollywood." Reg continues.

Me and Julie just look at our feet and don't say anything.

"Me and Reg are leaving the room and coming back in an hour. If this isn't sorted out by the time we are back something's gonna happen."

i chuckle, "what are you gonna do?" This makes Alex a little bit more mad. whoops.
"just fix this mess. now." Reg says.
They both poof our leaving us two by ourselves.

"sooo...." is all i get out my mouth.
"so..." julie repeats.

"okay i'm gonna be the bigger person and apologise first. i'm sorry for overstepping." I say proudly.

"noo... IM the bigger person, ill apologise first. I'm sorry for getting mad at something you did for me." Julie says with chest. i raise an eyebrow.

"i already said sorry first? do you know how to count?" i say sassily.
"yeah i do: 1 2 3 4 5. good enough for you?" i roll my eyes.
"whatever." i laugh.

"okay but seriously, i only did what i did because i cared about you." i tell her.

"i know... i know i went a bit "julie" but i'm always so paranoid that you guys will get discovered. i'm sorry." she mumbles the last part.

"sorry what?" i tease her.

"i'm sorry!!!" she shouted and rolled her eyes. "wow julie apologising! this is a first." i say jokingly.
"maybe i was a little jealous..." i mutter.
"what's there to be jealous about?" she asks.

"you and Nick." i say bluntly.

"Nick and I aren't ANYTHING, we hardly even friends at the moment. Flynn thought i should "widen" my choices because she said i cant exactly date ghosts." her eyes widen at the end.
"i mean- um people! not just ghosts, people AND ghosts." she nervously laughs.

"looks like someone wants to date a ghost..." I tease. "i wonder who that could be." Julie rolls her eyes. "hmm maybe it's reggie?" i joke starting to take a few steps forward. "maybe it's caleb?" Julie makes a face in disgust.
"i'd rather die than do that." she mutters. I take a few more steps forward. "well i wonder who it could be then?" i act dumb.

"it's you silly." Julie whispers.

"who would've guessed?" i say in a whisper back. We are now very VERY close to each other but neither of us move away.

A confident rush takes over me and i crash my lips onto Julies. She's surprised at first but then kisses back. "i've been waiting for this for so long." i whisper.

Julie pushes me to my couch and jumps on top of me and carries on kissing me. She's a pretty good kisser not gonna lie. She grabs the back of my hair and starts to kiss down my neck making me moan. Before we could do anything Flynn opens the studio door making us both freeze and so does she.

"what in the hoo ha are you two doing?" she folds her arms. "arent yall meant to be mad at each other?" I look at Julie and she goes red.

"you ruined it." i whined.

"ruined what? you guys almost stealing each other's v card? you bet i did. yall are nastyyy." I roll my eyes at her.

"whyd you come down here anyways?" Julie asks still embarrassed.

"uhh i wanna apologise for making you go on a date with Nick. It wasn't cool with me. Oh and this- (Flynn waves her hands around us) can happen. But PUHLEASEE get some privacy next time." Flynn leaves the room in a little strut and Julie lays her head on my shoulder.

"how did this fight turn into a makeout session." she laughs.
"julie?" i call. she turns her head up to face me. "what are we?" i ask nervously. Hoping for a good answer. "well what do you wanna be?" she asks.
"your boyfriend."
"well that's just music to my ears." we both laugh.
"let's not fight like this again." i suggest.

"yeah it's just we are both capricorn's" julie laughs.
I give her a confused look.
"oh it's a zodiac sign it depends on your birthday, but apparently two capricorn's are very compatible." i try to understand but all this gen z stuff is super confusing.

"capricorn's don't like to let out their emotions and feeling and like to keep them all bottled up." she carries on.

"well that's definitely me." i laugh.

"you know you can talk to me about anything right?" Julie asks. I give her a small nod. We were about to carry on our conversation but Alex and Reg both poofed into the room causing me to jump.

"everything cool now?" reggie asks. We both nod.
Alex freezes and stares at me. "what?" i ask.
"looks like you guys had fun huh?" Alex points to my neck. I go to the mirror to see what he's talking about and see 2 hickeys placed on my neck.
"uhh.. um that's just uh- my- i" i stutter and end up not even saying a sentence.

Alex turns to a rosey cheeked Julie. "it was... my lipstick!! yes we were trying out different shades for Luke!" On my neck? Really Julie? Julie is a terrible liar.

"how gullible do you guys think we are?" Reggie laughs. Julie and I shot him a "really look" knowing how gullible he could be.

"whatever lovebirds let's get back to rehearsal."

Yay we got Juke stuff!! Who knows what would've happened if Flynn didn't come in....
i've started to post way more frequently now. hopefully it carries on like that! it's my birthday soon and i can't even have a birthday so that's just great😭 i think Luke is a huge capricorn and after some research i realised two capricorn's make a really good pair so i made Julie a capricorn too ♑️ . I'm pretty sure Alex would be a cancer ♋️, Flynn would be a Leo ♌️ , Reggie would be a pisces ♓️, if carrie is ever written in the book i could imagine her as a gemini haha. Still love geminis!

let me know if u have any suggestions!
what's your zodiac sign?

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now