chapter 18 (dinner)

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"nearly.... DONE!" i winged Alexs eyeliner and met him look in the mirror.
"WOAH! it's amazing, thanks julie." he says.
"I wish Willie could see." he adds on.

"julie!! we are having tacos for lunch today." Dad shouts from the kitchen.
"okay!" i shout back.
"your gonna have to leave now." I sigh.

"Julie don't you think you should let your dad know that 3 teenagers are secretly living in his studio?" Alex asks.
"yeah but i just don't know how to ask him."

I went downstairs for lunch while Carlos and Dad were already sat down waiting for me. "who were you talking to upstairs?" Carlos asks. "oh uh just a friend from science class, we have a project together." I quickly say.

"okay well let's all eat." dad says.
I started playing around my good not being able to eat anything after Alex and I had gobbled a whole pack of pretzels.

Should I tell Dad about the guys?

"everything okay mija?" dad snaps me out of my thoughts.
"uh yes um just not that hungry right now."
He nods his head and carries on eating.
"actually no, thinks aren't exactly amazing." i say and dad jolts his head right up.

"okay so you know those swedish guys... the phantoms?"
He nods his head.
"well they flew down to the US for a visit and they have nowhere to go and are short of money." I manage not to mention the fact that they are ghosts from 1995 and died of hotdogs.
"I thought there parents lived here?" he asks.

"well they do... but they aren't exactly supportive of all of them and they don't really want their rock band children around anymore." I knew Emily and Mitch would die to see their son again, Karen and Pete? maybe not as much. I don't know much about Reggie's parents, he doesn't really like to open up.

"so what are you saying?" he asks.

"well you know how we have 2 guest rooms... I was kinda wondering if they could maybe..."

"stay here?" Dad asks. I just nod my head not looking at his eyes.
Dad hums in question. "pleaseee?" I beg.
"I can trust them right?" he asks. I start to nod my head vigorously.
"hmm... FINE! but I would like to meet them properly, maybe for dinner tonight?"

"OHMYGOD!! thankyou thankyou thankyou." I run upto my dad and squeeze him tightly.
"just one rule."
I nod at my dead, "anything."

"no funny business between you and that lead guitarist." I lit my eyes up.
"oh yeah don't think i'm blind to the way you both basically breathe each other's breath on stage! let's not forget when i found him in your bed!"
"WHAT!!" Carlos broke the silence clattering his fork and accidentally cracking the taco shell.
I roll my eyes at dad as he laughs.

I was about to mention the fact that Luke and I were dating but decided to leave that conversation for later.
"okay can i go to the studio and tell the boys???" I squeal.
"woah woah woah they've been staying in the studio?" he asks. Oh shit.
"uh yeah they really needed somewhere."

"I'm proud of you for being so independent, but next time you can come to me okay?"
God I love my dad so much.
"AGGH i love you so much okay i gotta go." I give my dad one more hug and run out to tell the boys.

"GUYS I DID IT!! i asked my dad if you could stay and he said yes!" I run into the studio.
"oh my god YES JULIE YOU'RE THE BEST!" Alex yells.
"and he's letting you guys take the guest room! although there's only two so two of you guys will be rooming." I say.

"Alex and I will take a room, Luke likes to snore." Luke makes an angry face as Reggie says that.
"one rule though." All the boys look up at me.
"no more going in my room." I poke Luke in the chest and he makes a sad puppy face.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now