chapter 2

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Caleb ties me upto a chair placing duct tape over my mouth causing my scream to go muffled. "ahh the boytoy... luke. Let's see how well he does now without you being here to save his ass." Caleb pulls out a knife and places it near Luke's neck. Before I can do anything, I swim back into reality screaming like I have never screamed in my life. (well except my mother's death).

Next thing I know, Luke poofs into my room clearly worried. "julie!! I heard you scream." he exclaims. I start sobbing. "just another n- nightmare... sorry for waking you up." Luke doesn't say anything and just pulls me into a hug as I sob into his chest. After I calmed down Luke rolled off my bed. "wait! Don't leave." I pat the other side of my bed motioning him to come over. I saw a cute smirk form onto Luke's face as he canninbals into my bed causing me to squeal. "promise me one thing." I start to say.

"yes, your majesty?" Luke says jokingly. I roll my eyes and playfully hit him.

"we have to always be there for each other, no matter what." i mutter.

"always." he kissed the top of my forehead causing me to blush hard. "awhh Julies turned into a tomato." We both start to laugh uncontrollably. I teach Luke how to play a few games on my phone like Among Us.

"wait- how do I change my colour I wanna be blue!!" Luke whines. Typical. I place my hands over his showing him where to tap. I don't let go. Luke looks intensely into my eyes forgetting the game started. We were centimetres away from each other just like earlier on.

I clear my throat, "oh uh you got killed." I tried changing the subject. I DO NOT deal well with feelings. "dang it!!" Luke said.

"um should we like go to bed now." I say awkwardly. Luke nods, "are you comfortable with me here?" Luke asks. I give a small nod. WHAT. A. GENTLEMEN. I tuck myself to bed and Luke rips off his tank top showing his abs causing me to stare. "eyes up missy." My cheeks start to burn and I just throw a pillow at his happy puppy face. "goodnight jules." his hot breath whispers at the back of my neck causing me to grow goosebumps. "goodnight luke." I whisper back. And with that we both fall asleep with me lying on his chest. I know he only thinks of me as a best friend but boy do I love him.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO WHOEVER CELEBRATES!! Im sorry this chapters a little short but I felt like this was a good place to end it. Ugh i actually hate myself for making this so short. Just wait until the bandmates catch them together hahah.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now