chapter 10

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"what about you go to a museum?" i suggest.
Reggie and Luke both make disgust faces. "okay not everyone is like you alex." Luke says.
"hey you asked for our help!" i exclaim.

"you guys don't get it, it has to be special. Julie deserves it after everything she's been through it NEEDS to be special because i love her and i can't let anything go wrong!" Luke says in a fast pace.
Both Reggie and I's jaws are to the ground.
"you love her?!?!" reggie screams.
"i mean... yeah! what's there not to love about her? she's perfect." How cute.

"hey remember when we were in high school and you said you'd never get a girlfriend because music is more important? what happened to that." Reggie and I smirk.

"yeah well that was before Julie." He looks down at his shoes.
"well that's cute and all but WE NEED TO FIND A DATE PLACE NOW!" Reggie panics.
I think reggie is the biggest Juke fan on this planet.
"wait a second... what about the roof of the orpheum! i can poof her up there and we can have some sort of picnic and see the sunset. Even go to the beach!" I ramble.

"wow Luke didn't know you were such a romantic." I say trying to quote Julie. He rolls his eyes.

Luke has an hour until his date but Julie doesn't know the date is even going on. I'm pretty sure Reggie told her though.


i lie down on my bed staring at my wall in my grey jogging bottoms and white crop top. Everything's going so well right now. Great boyfriend. Great friends. I couldn't ask for anymore.
My thoughts get cut short when Luke poofs into my room. I jerk my head up. "wha-"
"meet me outside the studio at 6:30 don't be late, dress casual." he gave me a slight wink and poofed back out before i could ask anything.
I walk upto my wardrobe and pick out a beige sweatshirt with black flared jeans. I pair the beige sweatshirt with some gold jewellery. I wear my white airforces with it and leave my curls out.

I decide to binge some stranger things and by the time i've finished the first episode it's already time to leave.
"Papi i'm going out for a bit!!" I shout from the front door and make my way to the studio. I see Luke wearing black slightly ripped jeans and a white muscle t shirt and a grey beanie. "you look beautiful as always." my cheeks grow rosey red as i hold his hand. "you don't look too bad yourself! but where are we going?" i ask.
he smirks and just says "you'll see."

He poofs us both up to somewhere high. I grip his hand tighter as i look down to see where we are. "where it all began..." i mutter as i feel the cold breeze rush past me.
"this is amazing." is all i can get out. He places his hands on my waist causing me to shiver at his touch.
He takes my hand and walks me to the middle of the roof so i don't fall over. He places a picnic blanket onto the surface and places a picnic basket next to me. "woah you really did go all out."

i take the containers out and find a bowl of chocolate covered strawberrries, my personal favourite. My eyes grow wide at the beauty of them. "i made them myself." he comments.

"i love them." i cup his cold cheeks and place a kiss on his lips.
We shared a pair of earphones and lay down on the roof watching the sunset after eating a delicious meal. He looked really nervous. He was biting his nails and playing with his sleeves. "you okay?" i say, holding his hands. "uh yeah." that wasn't very convincing.
"Luke, you can tell me anything." There's obviously something bothering him.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now