chapter 11

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I wake up at around 11:30 today, yesterday was a pretty hectic day... but my date was amazing! I hope reg is feeling better now. I find a neon green sticky note placed onto my dresser.

Carlos and I went to visit your Tia, we'll be back at around 2. Love you!

- papi

The whole house to myself? yessir. Except the boys are in the studio. I decide to go down to the kitchen in my sports bra and shorts to get my breakfast since my dad and bro isn't there.

"GOSH REGGIE AND LUKE! JULIE WILL KILL US." i hear alex's voice down the corridor.

"what the-" i get cut off by the smoke flying out of the toaster. "WHAT THE HELL!" i quickly run to the toaster and unplug it before it catches on fire. "what the hell are you guys doing and you just jacked up our toaster!" i say half mad half tired.

"uhh julie you might wanna cover up." Alex says as all three of them stare at the ceiling. I look down to see how i barely have any clothing on. I'm not even embarrassed, I'm mad at them for breaking the fricking toaster. Alex most probably had nothing to do with it to be honest.

"here ya go!" Luke says cheerfully handing me his hoodie. What a cutie... wait no i'm supposed to act mad at them. I'm basically the mother of them. I throw the hoodie on the floor. "your cuteness isn't getting you out of an incident this time!" I say, walking off to my room. "OH AND CLEAR UP THE GRILLED CHEESE MESS YOU MADE!!" i shouted from upstairs.

"someone's on their woman cycle." I hear reggie say.

"no i'm not, you guys are just stupid enough to make a girl mad... oh and it's called a period!" i shout from my room.

I put on my nike sweatshirt and wear my white tennis skirt today. I go down to the studio and see the boys all jamming out to a melody. "mess taken care of!" Reggie says peppily. That kid is really something else.

"you guys wanna just have a jam sesh today?" luke asks. We all agree. "Alex start as in with the drums!" I say as i position my microphone.
Alex starts to bash onto drums pretty harshly. He starts going crazy and bangs on the drums so hard it looked like his sticks were about to snap before we stopped him.
"woahwoahwoah." luke said taking the sticks off Alex. His hair falls in front of his face as his whole face goes red. Alex looked like he was about to cry.

"um alex i just remember we had to do that thing with that thing... remember?" i tell him trying to hint at him to come over to me.
He just gives me a confused look.
I sigh and go over to him and take his hand "poof us please." he grips my hand and poofs us to my room. Leaving reggie and luke probably confused.

"alex are you-" before i could even finished my sentence he broke down and fell onto the floor. "alex... what's going on?" i say kneeling down giving him a hug.
"it's willie... i'm so scared for him right now." My heart breaks for him. I sit upright on my bed and let Alex lie his head down on my lap as he rants to me. I play with his blonde strands as i listen to my bestfriend. "i haven't heard anything from him since we played the orpheum... i go out every. single. day looking for him and i can't seem to find him. what if caleb took him?" his voice starts to crack at the end.

"hey hey hey! no negative thoughts here. I'm sure Willie is fine, if you'd like i'd be happy to look for him!" i suggest.

"you can't even see him can you?" so much for being positive.
I turn alexs head so it faces mine and see that he's still been silently crying.
"Alex... you look like you haven't been sleeping in days!" i lightly touch his dark eyebags as he flinches at it.
"why have you never brought it up?" i ask.
"i didnt wanna trouble you guys with something you probably don't even care about. Plus i guess with reggies problems and Lukes parent problems i didnt wanna add more to the table." he sighs.
"hey, your bullshit is my bullshit. okay?" he just smiles at that. "ugh i wish i could meet willie!" i say, trying to turn the conversation into something happier.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now