chapter 19

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It's my first day of school. I can be a new me.
"you okay?" Jules whispered and put her hand on my thigh under the breakfast table causing me to stop bouncing my legs. "really nervous." I let out.
"don't even worry about it you're 100% gonna be a chick magnet or something" reggie says from out of the cereal cupboard.

Julie glares at him. "don't worry Jules i'm not going anywhere." I kiss her forehead and quickly let go before Ray comes in.
"okay boys you got everything you need?" he asks.
"yes Mr Molina." we all say in chant.
"it's ray" he laughs.

- - - - - - (at school)

"omg it's that guitar guy!"
"he's so cute."
"i thought they were in sweden!!"
"is the reggie guy single?"
"the drummer is kinda cute though..."

I clench onto Julies hand as we walk to my first class. Trying to block out all the weird fans.
"dude not even i'm that nervous, it's just school we have lived through it already." Alex mutters as everyone stares at us three.

I was only able to give him a shrug.

"Okay so Alex, Luke and I have history class."Julie says.
Reggie frowns. "heyy! that's not fair."
"Flynns in your class though." she says calmly.
His happy face immediately turns on.
"never mind it's fair."
We all laugh at him and head to our lessons.

"O M G!! boytoy is back." Carrie squeals and walks upto Julie and I.
I roll my eyes at her and ignore her. "relax I was kidding gosh take a joke."
"were you joking at the party?" I give her a death stare and Julie smiles at me.

"i'm trying to become a new person." she says quietly.
"oh. okay." she says in a timid voice and goes back to her seat.

Okay maybe I was a little harsh with my words when it came to Carrie but I wanted nothing to do with her. She was extremely rude to Julie.

Alex walked up to us, "hey don't be mean!! maybe she really has changed."
"demons don't change." Julie spat out.
"well I think she has, when I danced with her I could feel this connection. Like she's not who she is on the outside." he carried on.

"she'd kinda have to prove that."
"whatever." Alex rolls his eyes and sits back into his desk as the teacher walks in.

- - - - - -

"mr patterson are you writing notes in the middle of my class?" Mr parker says.

"yes." I said bluntly. I don't call out Alex for it because I know how awkward he is with teachers.

"well that is not tolerated in this school."

"oh cmon it's just a piece of paper with writing!" I argue.

"just pay attention to the lesson or i'll send you to the principals office. You don't want that on your first day now do you?" he rolls his eyes and turns back to the blackboard.

"bitch" I whisper.

He turns around again and I widen my eyes at how loud the supposedly whisper was.
"Mr Patterson you can take that language straight to the principals office!" he points towards the door telling me to leave.

I look at Julie and Alex and they just stare at me.

"just follow his instructions!" Julie hisses at me. I pick up my books from the table and put them in my bag and quickly left the classroom.


Luke really does love a fight doesn't he.

As he left the classroom i saw his nails digging into his skin showing he was frazzled. "uh Sir! please may I use the bathroom?" he nods and lets me go. "he was never the best in school." Alex whispers. I gave him a quick nod and left the classroom.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now