chapter 7

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Today's the day we perform our small gig. After the Orpheum we've been getting a ton of calls but we decided to go slow and THEN we can record labels and go on a bunch of tours as Luke said!

The boys and Flynn are going separately and my dads gonna drop me off at the cafe we are supposed to perform at. Sadly he can't stay for the whole thing because he has work to do. Carlos is staying at my Tias house so i got the whole house to myself after.

"I really wanna meet these Swedish boys one day! They brought my little girl back." Dad says in the car on the way to the cafe. For the hundredth time I had to explain that they live in Sweden (which they don't of course) and that they don't really travel. I feel kinda bad whenever i lie to my dad but i can't exactly tell him they're ghosts.

I kiss my dad goodbye and get out the car with my bag and meet up with the boys. I see Reggie and Alex standing near the front looking kinda worried. I also realise that Luke wasn't there. "where's luke?" i ask with a hint of worry in my tone.

"he's tryna cool down in the bathrooms..." Alex says.

"what why?!" I ask, Reggie points behind me and i turn around to see Nick sitting at a table with some other people. What. The. Hell.
Why is he here?

"so why's Luke the one who's worried?" I ask.
They both shrug their shoulders. Very useful!

I run to the bathroom door but don't go in because i'd probably get kicked out. "Luke!" I knock on the bathroom door. In a flash, he poofs out so he's outside with me now.
His breathing increases and i try slow it down for him. I cup his cheeks and whisper to him, "luke... it's gonna be okay! nothing. and i mean nothing will happen." Luke tries to get the courage to speak.

"it's not just what Nick will do. It's what i might do, you know i cant exactly control my anger/emotion." Luke says trying to calm down.
His voice starts to crack up, "i- i might do something ill regret. I keep messing up whenever emotions come to place! Just like i did with my m-mum."

Whenever Luke brings her mum up he can't stop himself from getting sad. "look i know you have problems with your emotions but i have faith in you and i know you can do whatever you want when you try...."
I hear JATP get called on the microphone meaning we have to go on now.
"so let's go out there and show everyone how amazing and talented you are!" I wipe one tear away from Luke's cheek and we both run onto stage.

I place the microphone so it's horizontal to my lips.
"We're Julie and the Phantoms! tell your friends."

(a/n: ofc we don't know any other JATP songs that haven't been used in the tv show so let's just say they are singing Finally Free)

"and you're a part of me..."
"and you're a part of me."
I pull Luke closer so our foreheads and noses touch, using only one microphone. The audience is really digging this performance.

"been too long and now we're finally free!" I harmonise and move away from Luke trying to tease him.

We don't break eye contact until the song ends and they all flash out. The usual "HUH?" from the audience travels through the cafe as they wonder where the "holograms" go. I just give a smile to the audience and they start to clap again.

I run off stage to meet up with the guys and Flynn who was cheering on from the side.
"Girl!! you were awesome. Especially that little- wait no! BIG! eye contact thing."
I blush and look over to Luke who smirks at me.
"Alex you were amazing on the drums! Oh and don't even get me started on your bass guitar skills!" I say pointing to Reggie at the end.
We carry on chatting away and I can see Luke's glance pointed towards Nick. His stare is so hard i literally thought his eyeballs were about to burst.
He gets interrupted by a girl from dirty candy. The purple one... Kayla? i think.

"hey girls! so i know Carrie wouldn't exactly approve of this but i'm having a huge party of all these performances and i'd really love for you guys to come. Oh and the hologram guys too!! if they are in town." She says.

"well i don't know..." Alex starts off.
"WE'LL BE THERE!!!!!" Reggie cuts him off.
I give Reggie a death stare and he tries to shrug it off.
"i mean hey i guess it'll be fun." Luke says.
I nod and Luke and quickly turn back to Kayla so she doesn't think anything i'm talking to air and say yes.

I've never been to a party before, like a big one. This could be really cool! I'm really excited but try to keep it lowkey. "we should leave now so we can get all dressed up." Flynn suggests. We all agree and walk outside so no one could see us. We all hold hands and the ghosts poof us back to the studio.
Flynn holds her forehead, "never getting used to that."

Flynn and I run upstairs and choose our outfits as the boys get changed in the studio.

"you think this'll look good on me?" i put up a baby blue dress that goes just above my knees with plain black flats.

"that'd be so cute!!" Julie squeals. I flip my hair in a sarcastic way and strut to her en-suite bathroom and change.

I look through my closet for something cute/sexy to wear. This is my first EVER party i wanna make it memorable. I take out this short red strappy dress that doesn't cover my legs at all. I look at my mirror and smile at myself. I put on some black glossy heels to make myself look a little taller. And do some light makeup and leave my hair out.

Flynn comes out the bathroom all ready we both stare at each other in awe. "you look so beautiful!" we both say at the same time.
"looks like someone's trying to make Luke's eyes melt" Flynn says in a sassy voice pointing at my almost bare chest and short dress.
I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at her.

We both hang out in my bedroom for a while until it's time to leave.

I change into a long sleeve button up white shirt and black trousers with a belt. (basically like perfect harmony but his hair is how it's done normally)

Alex wears a similar shirt to mine but in black and reggie wears a black v neck with a red blazer on. Probably to impress Kayla.
Hopefully Jules likes it. I ruffle my hair up in the mirror and head out with the boys to meet up with the girls.

When i saw Julie i actually thought i was dreaming. She looked too beautiful. "woah." is all i can get out of my mouth. Everyone laughs. We head out Julies gates but i stop Julie as the rest leave. "you honestly look AMAZING! i'm probably the luckiest guy on the planet to have a girlfriend like you."
Julie doesn't say anything and just pulls me in for a short sweet kiss. I try deepen it but Julie pulls away. "later." She whispers into my ear and winks at me before leaving me by myself with my thoughts. I smirk and run off to catch up with the others.

hey guys! sorry this is a little short but i don't wanna make it too long so i'm making a part 2 to the party bit. My birthdays sadly finished now so no more attention on me lolol just kidding. I wanted to know around what age you guys are? just to know what type of content to write if you get me.

oop and forgot to mention there may be a bit of drunk/crazy julie in the next chapter... this is so late in the night bro i gotta go sleep now goodnighttt

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now