chapter 21

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"woah..." that's all Carrie responded with.

"so... you're a ghost?" she asks.
"Well technically we WERE ghosts and well now i think we are alive for some weird twisted reason" her mouth was wide open.

"I always knew Julie wasn't techie enough to pull of holograms..." she whispers under her breath.

"so... you guys were friends with my dad?" I just nod in response. "before he stole our songs and never gave use credit" I huff.
"is that why you were so bitchy to me?"


"well I am not like my father"

"yeah I kinda figured that out now, i'm sorry." I say quietly.
"dude it was just some songs, even if he did give you credit what were the fans gonna do? congratulate you at your grave?" Carrie laughs.

"my parents..." I start, her smile fell.
"they weren't very supportive of my whole rock band dream and I sorta ran away after a huge argument with my mum. After I had ran away that's when I died. Right before our Orpheus performance, if bob- i mean your dad had given use credit mum and dad would've known this dream was worth chasing."

"oh my gosh... Luke i'm so sorry" a slight form of tears formed in her eyes.
"it's fine, it's not your fault anyways."

"i can get my dad to give you credit or something!!" she tries to help but I know that won't help.
"Carrie as much as I appreciate everything that's kinda stupid, that'd draw more attention to us."
Carrie just sighed. "my dad looked super freaked when i showed him a picture of you."

"are you gonna tell him?" I ask, hoping the answers no.
"nah he'd just be leaving for his therapist even more than he does, i'll just let him think he's going crazy or something."

"thanks." i mumble.



"oh my god where is he?!?! we are totally busted!!" I pace around the studio waiting for Luke to come back.

"relax he's probably fine" Reggie says while tuning his guitar.
"okay but what if-" the ringtone of my phone cut me off.

I snatch my phone off the table. "She knows."
"carrie- she knows about us."
My hands start to shake and drop the phone onto the studio floor.
"woah your shaking" Alex jumps off the couch and sits me down.

"jules?" I hear from the phone.
Reggie picks up the phone, "uh she'll call you back."
"she's gonna tell everyone at school and i'm gonna be the laughingstock" I say.
"Julie I know some people can't change but I REALLY think she has" Alex says.

"I wanna believe you Alex I do! but she tormented and picked on me for years in school and all of a sudden I just need to forgive and forget?" I put my head in my hands.

"okay maybe you guys don't need to be friends, but at least be mutual." Reggie says.
"Fake it till you make it." Alex adds on.

Fake it till I make it.


Carrie told me that her dad was como home soon and I wasn't ready to face him. "hey Jules you alright?" I say walking into her room.

"oh uh yeah! yeah! i'm fine" she says rolling off her bed.


"you sure about that because your stuttering says otherwise" I smirk at her.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now