chapter 6

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authors note: i bought a new chromebook and i have to press the keys hard on the keyboard for it to work so if you see any spelling mistakes blame it on the chromebook. Also i wanna know if you guys ship Relynn (reggie+flynn) tbh I don't mind them but it's just weird because they don't have much interaction in the show and people only ship it because they are the only single characters. After reading loads of fanfics i lowkey started to warm up to RELYNN. let me know if you guys wanna see some relynn, i'll deffo add some willex too.
okay back to the story...

Luke and Julie CANNOT stop flirting with each other like geez get a room. I don't need to be reminded of how lonely i am every single time i'm with them. "guyssss." i whine.
"what?" Alex says.
"can we like i dunno watch a movie or something?" you can tell how bored i am.

"omg we HAVE to watch IT!!" Julie squeals. What kind of name is IT??? oh well as long as we are doing something together it's fine. We invite Flynn over and all sit down on the couch and start the movie.

Alex keeps trembling. That guy is WAY too scared. It's not even that scary!!

I've watched this movie countless times and i still get scared! Unbelievable! Every time I flinch Luke tightens his grip on my hands to signal that he's here for me. He's such a sweetheart. I actually lo- i mean like him. It's too early for the L word... right?

"hey i need to go use the toilet i'll be back." i whisper to Luke. To be honest i was just getting a little bored i've basically memorised the whole movie. I use the en-suite in my room and scroll on my phone for a bit on my bed.

I hear a knock on my door. "come in!!" i say. "hey how come you aren't down yet?" Luke asks. I explain to him how i was a little bored but he was cool with it.
"you wanna just hang out here then? Luke asks.
"i'd love to." i smile.
He plops onto my bed next to me and watches me scroll on my phone. i turn around and say "you look a little bored here..."
"never bored when i'm with you" he says which causes me to smile.
I plant a kiss on his lips. He makes the kiss more passionate and let's just say i let him.

I sit up properly letting Luke take over me and kiss down my neck. I started to get turned on and clutched onto his tank top. He moved back up to my lips and started kissing me again. I kiss back with even more passion and start to remove his shirt which reveal his beautiful abs. I flip him around so that i'm on top and start kissing down his abs causing him to moan loudly. I shut him up by kissing him back on the lips with tongue. I start to take my top of revealing my bra. "god you're too hot." Luke mutters. I start to remove my shorts but i get stopped my luke. "are you sure? i don't wanna push you to do anything?" I smile at Luke's cuteness and respect.  Let's just say things got very steamy and we didn't return to movie night...


"soo... i see you and luke didn't return to movie night." Flynn says as we both choose each other's outfits for our next gig. I freeze. "hehehe yeah we got a little bored by the movie" Flynn looks at me with those "really" eyes.
"soo did you guys... you know... do it."
"whaatt... no! we were just you know like scroll through tiktok and stuff." i try to make myself seem believable but i'm not the best liar.

"mmmhhmmm." Flynn says.
I give her a light slap and carry on choosing my outfit.


Reggie was moping around strumming to his bass guitar, he wasn't normally sad like this. "you okay buddy?" i ask him, he obviously wasn't.
"yeah it's just we haven't really done anything as a whole friendship group..." reggie says.

"what do you mean? we had a movie night just yesterday." i tell him.

"yeah well that was before you and Julie decided to go upstairs and rail each other." he says bluntly making me go red.

"bro everyone knows no point hiding it." Alex shouts from the bathroom.

"you and Julie are like glued to each other now, you gotta spend bai me time with your buds."

I feel kinda bad for leaving Reggie now. He probably really wanted to do things as a group. "hey how about we have a sleepover with Julie and Flynn!" I suggest trying to cheer him up.

"we legit live in their house." Reggie says.

"cmon bro! we can order pizza, binge movies, play games... we could even do it in the studio!" I say excitedly.
I wanna do this too! Not just for reggie!

"mmh fine! as long as you and jules don't ditch to make out with each other." I roll my eyes at that.

I poof to Julies room and propose the idea to her. "yeah! it'd be so fun and i kinda feel bad for ditching the group last night..."
"i mean i'd have to ask my mum but i'm pretty sure i'll be available!" Flynn says.

Great! Now the plans set.


Alex and I both tidied up the whole room for once and boy does it look clean. I actually fluffed my pillows for once. Alex put up some fairy lights and put out some carpets onto the floor to make it comfy.

We started the sleepover off with a movie and then a pillow fight. Let's just say i whacked Flynn a bit too hard and she went all Flynn mode on me. i'm serious when i say i thought my life was flashing before my eyes. Later on we played some card games and ate loads of candy.

"we HAVE to play a gossip game, like truth or dare!" Flynn says. We were all pretty down for it so Flynn started it off.

"Alex, truth or dare?" he chooses truth because he thinks it's "safer".

"Who was your first kiss?" Flynn asks.
"ok before i say this... Julie you can't be mad!"

Julie raises an eyebrow and my heartbeat rises.

"it was luke."
Julie turns to me but she doesn't look mad she just raises an eyebrow.

"we weren't together or anything! it just happened i guess, but it wasn't even a proper kiss it was more of a peck..." I was gonna tell her but i didn't really know how. We didn't have feelings for each other it just happened i guess?

"i'm not mad..." i get less nervous. "just tell me next time so i don't need to find out through other people."

"i promise i will, thanks for being understanding." i plant a kiss on her cheek.

"okay my turn... Reggie! truth or dare?" Alex says.
"hmm... truth! wait nonono dare!"
"i dare you to text Kayla (purple girl from dirty candy) and admit your feelings for her." Reggie goes red.
"what if she doesn't feel the same way!" he whines.

"bro it's not like you guys will actually meet, your a ghost!" I tell him the ghastly truth. Reggie rolls his eyes, "FINE!"

hey kayla, i know we haven't met up in real life but i wanted to tell you that you are very pretty and i'd love to go on a date sometime.

Oh yeah, Julie got all 3 of us phones and set us instagram accounts so we can chat with our fans through a screen.


"okayy... Jooolllieee! truth or dare?"
Reggie asks.

"dare." Julie says confidently.

" i dare you to kiss Luke." he says. Julie just rolls her eyes and gives me a peck on the lips making me smirk.

Alex and flynn just groan in disgust. "that was such a lame dare." Alex said.

"whaaat? i'm a sucker for juke!" He complains.

We finish off the game and head to bed. Reggie sleeps in the bathtub, god knows why. Alex sleeps in the loft and Flynn sleeps on the pullout.

I snuggle with Julie on my couch and everyone falls asleep but me. I play with Julies curls as she sleeps soundly. "i love you Julie, even if you don't know it."  i whisper, making sure not to wake her up.

hey guys! this chapter wasn't really good so sorry about that but i have a really good idea for an upcoming chapter but not sure when to do it. I'm either gonna upload a chapter today or tomorrow. Happy new year!!!

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now