chapter 25

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"Oh shit"

It was a video of Carrie making out with some blond girl. "It makes sense now... she said she was the done with boys."
The chance of Carrie being out to the whole world is quite unlikely. And now it is.


I had arrive home quite late yesterday night and headed straight to bed, not even thinking to check my phone. Not many people text me these days anyways.

I decided to make an early start to the day waking up at 6:30am, only to be welcomed to hundreds of text messages, calls, tags and much more. I was also added in to an unfamiliar groupchat made by an unknown contact.

video attachment (2)

Who even is that?

Isn't that Carrie?

Wait that's Carrie Wilson!

I thought she was straight

Clearly not

Who is that other girl?

Not from our school

Why is my name added here?
I reluctantly tapped on the video attached at the start and I couldn't believe my eyes. My shaky hands caused my hands to drop my phone, I didn't even bother to pick it up.

Who the hell could've taped me?


"That girl looked familiar" Luke said at the breakfast table. "the blonde one."
"I've tried calling Carrie, she's not answering my calls." I tell him swishing my spoon around the milk in my bowl.

"yeah i've tried too, i feel really bad for" Alex says.

I cant imagine how Carrie feels, having something like that publicised around the school would feel horrible. "It couldn't have been Blake, he was so scared of us yesterday." Reggie suggested.

"Well there's no one else who'd do that to her!" Luke said. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and clicked the video again, zooming onto the girl Carrie was with. Once I realised who it was I grabbed onto Lukes hand in reflex.

"That's luna" I mutter under my breath. Luke jerked his head up from his phone. "What did you just say?"

"The girl in the video with Carrie is Luna."


That's not possible.
Luna is meant to be under Caleb's reign.

"We can talk to Carrie at school cmon" Alex dragged me by the collar to the door.
"First period is math, maybe we can talk to her then!" Julie suggested.
"I feel really bad for her" Alex said as we walked into school. Carrie would normally be waiting at her locker with her bestfriend Kayla.
But she wasn't seen anywhere.

Kayla had been looking cluelessly around for her in the hallways. Julie ran upto her asking if she knew where Carrie was, she just shook her head.
We walked upto Carries locker only to see a bunch of scissors cellotaped to her locker.
"Very funny" Alex grumbled as we all took them off for her.
"I think she skipped school today" Flynn said as she walked upto us.

Carries the girl with perfect attendance and she's letting a few idiots ruin it for her. "That's it i'm calling her again" Julie got her phone out of her back pocket and dialled her number.
"straight to voicemail" she sighed.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now