chapter 3

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I rub my eyes open and look down from the loft and see the couch empty. Where's Luke?

"Ayo reg!!" I scream in my morning voice. "REGINALD!!" I call.

"Heyy! I was having an amazing dream about Kayla." Who the hell is K- ugh never mind where the hell is Luke? "Did you see Luke leave?" He shakes his head.

"Maybe he just went to visit his parents or something." Reggie changes into his white shirt and leather jacket. PFFTT, it's too early for Luke to even be awake. "the dude wakes up in the afternoon I HIGHLY doubt it."

"Maybe he needed some cheering up so he went to watch Ray cook, I mean that's what I do. I give him a "really" look and we both poof into the Molina house. "Maybe he's writing songs with Julie or something." I suggest. Reggie shrugs and we both poof into her room. We are both left open mouthed and wide eyed to see a shirtless Luke and Julie cuddling in her bed holding hands. "uhh CALLED IT!" Reg screams. The pair get shaken awake by Reggie's scream. Realising Luke was still in her bed she pushes him off the bed causing him to fall flat on his face. "ow."

"And what exactly are you two doing?" I say folding my arms. "it's not what it looks like dumbass." Julie says embarrassedly and quickly leaves the room to avoid any more conversation. I throw a pillow at Lukes face making him groan. "yeah, I bet Julie heard that noise a lot of times last night!" Luke's eyes grow wide open. "NOO, I PROMISE WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" Luke says reassuringly. I raise a questioning eyebrow.


"you guys are ridiculous! Jules doesn't even like me like that. She had some sort of nightmare yesterday and I heard her scream in the middle of the night. So as any friend would I went and comforted her." I speak. Annoyed that I lost my beauty sleep over this.

"and why exactly were you sleeping with her?" Alex questions. "shirtless, might I add."

I shrug my shoulders, "she wanted me to." Reg and Alex smirks. "what?"

"Someone has a crush on juulieeee" Reggie sings a few octaves higher. I lightly push Reggie. Let's just say that "light push" was not very light. Reggie stumbled backwards hitting a beautiful vase with red flowers in it. The vase knocks over and shatters onto the floor. We all freeze, shocked.



"What was that?" I ask myself. I run back upstairs pushing my bedroom door open to see my vase shattered and my flowers all ruined.

"WHAT... THE... HELL!" I shriek.

"Julie we are so-" Luke starts.

"So what? Sorry? You think sorry will fix it this time? No. Not this time. ALL OF YOU! CLEAN THIS UP. RIGHT. NOW." I storm out of the room before I get teary eyed.


Alex sighs. "Why am I still friends with you guys?" I look at Luke. He looks like he's about to cry. "Uh bro you good?" He snaps out of reality. "Oh um yeah I need to go." He poofs out.

"Bro I messed up bigtime." I turn to Alex.

"You both did." He scoffs.


After a few hours of calming down I decide to go down to the studio and apologise to the boys. I hate apologising but it has to be done. I open the studio door to see Alex and Reggie moping around. "Uhh where is Luke?" They both shrug their shoulders. "He poofed out as soon as you left, oh and um sorry for breaking your vase." Reggie says the last bit quietly.

"my main concern right now is Luke, but I accept your apology and sorry for going all Julie on you." I reply.

"He'll be back soon don't worry." Alex reassures me. I don't exactly feel any better. I go back to my bedroom and text Flynn asking if she's seen him anywhere. She says no. I stay in my bedroom and catch up on some work until Luke comes back. I really didn't mean anything I said back there. It's just... it was my mums favourite flower, so it meant a lot to me.

It's been hours and he is STILL not here! "I wonder where he is." I mutter to myself. What if he doesn't come back? Oh no did I just drive the one guy I like away. I drift away from my paranoia by a flash. It was a poof. "Luke!!" I jump out of my bed and hug him. "where the hell were you, I was so worried." I ask.

"I got you something." He takes out a bouquet of beautiful red dahlias and a white ceramic vase to go with it. A smile creeps on my face.

"oh, and before you ask why it's white..." He pulls out a pack of sharpies from his pocket. "Here, I know you like to do those cute doodles all over your microphone and books so I thought you could maybe do the same on here." He says nervously.

My heart melts. "Luke... you didn't have to do all of this."

"Yes. Yes I did, those were your mom's favourite type of flowers and we just ruined them." Luke says. "how did you know they were my mums' favourite?" I ask.

"I pay attention..." is all he says. Why did he have to look so cute, I think to myself. I hold his hands and say "sorry I got mad." he just smiles back. Neither of us let go of each other and just stare into one another's eyes.

Luke leans in staring at my lips and I start to lean in too. Just before our lips were about to touch, we hear a loud knock on my door. We jump and part from each other and try not to look at each other in the eyes. Carlos opens the door and asks, "who were you talking to?" I quickly come up with an excuse saying that I was rehearsing a song for our next gig. Luckily, he didn't question me. "you better not be talking to boys." he says. Luke chuckles a bit and I stomp my foot on his foot hinting for him to leave. "geez..." and he poofs out.

Me and Carlos talked for a bit but all I could think of was what might've happened if Carlos hadn't knocked on the door. Would we have kissed? 

hahaha hey guys! sorry i was rlly busy this week but i finally have a chapter for you guys. if you want anything specific in this book pls let me know so i don't get writers block.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now