chapter 22

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It was a Sunday afternoon and I'm sat in Julies living room trying to learn algebra all over again.
"it's not that hard Luke!! you just rearrange the equation"
Clearly Carrie is getting irritated at my stupidity for math. "I'm trying!!" I'm getting major flashbacks to my dad screaming at me while I cried in 5th grade because I didn't understand a math question.

"seriously Luke I didn't think you were THAT bad at math" Carrie retorts.
"very funny" I roll my eyes at her.

"uh are you gonna pick up the phone?" I ask Carrie and point at her sparkly pink vibrating phone.
She puts her pencil down and turns her phone around, hiding it so the screen didn't face me.
She sighs and hits decline, "uh it's fine i'll call them back later."

I stare deep into her eyes and see specks of worry in them. "you okay?" I ask her.
"yeah yeah i'm fine, now let's get back to the work."

"see! you're finally getting it" Carrie puts her hand out for me to high-five her. Her phone buzzes again but this time it sounded like a text message. She picks it up and once she sees the screen she puts it right back down.

"who is that?" I ask.
"oh it's no one, now let's get back to the work."
I reach out to grab her phone but she quickly snatches it from the table before I could get it. "I said it's no one Luke" she snaps.
"fine" I huff and get back to the load of papers she gave me.

"do you have a laptop?" she asks me, I shook my head.
"I can use Julies for now she'd probably let me if it's just for work"
"okay i'll ask Julie while you carry on doing your work" Carrie struts off leaving her phone on the table and I wait for her to walk up to the top of the stairs.
I quickly take her phone and press the button revealing a spam of messages from one person.

It was Blake.

I thought he had left Carrie alone, they don't even make eye contact in school.

I tap onto the message but all it says is


"If I were Carrie what would I put as my password?" I ask myself.



I should've known she would be smarter than that.
Her birthday!!



BLAKE- conversation from earlier

B: Cmon just send one picture

C: No

B: Why not?

C: I don't wanna

B: don't be such a tease

B: hello?

B: I know your seeing these messages

B: Just one and i'll leave you alone

I could feel blood running through my veins as I clenched onto her phone a little too hard. Footsteps were coming closer and I switched the phone off and put it back where it was.

"I just need to print some things off and I can give it back to Julie" Carrie says as she places the laptop onto the table.

She looked at her phone and then back at me as her smile dropped. "My phone was faced down when I left." She said in a monotone voice.
I tried to not look at her in the eyes and carry on with my work. She yanked my hair back causing me to yelp. "OW!!"

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now