chapter 28

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I was fast asleep with Julie in my arms before she shook herself awake. "Woah are you okay?"I clasped her shaking hands.
"Yeah! yeah. I'm okay, I actually got a few hours of sleep for once thanks."

"Nightmare again?" I ask her. She nodded her head and melted her body back into mine. "Ya think the two lovebirds have come back yet? it's like 6am!!" Julie mutters.
"Hey we are the lovebirds, they're just knockoff ones" Jules snorts a little chuckle.
"Wanna go scare Reg?" I ask.

We quietly creep out of the room trying not to wake Ray up, "Ow!" I yelp as I almost trip over the rug placed on the floor.
"SHUT UP!!" Julie hisses at me and turns herself to the direction we were walking to.
She turns the knob of Alex and Reggies bedroom and motions her hands telling me to go in.
I run into the room and jump on Reggies bed causing him to wake up all frazzled.
"What- what the... what're you guys doing here?" He rubs his eyes open and runs his hand through his hair.

"How was your little date with Flynn?" Julie says but gets cut off from a very cranky Alex at the other side of the bedroom.
"Could you please lower your conversation as SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!" he places his pillow over his head trying to block out the noise.

"Give us all the information then!" I whisper.

"First of all, it wasn't a date."

I roll my eyes and glance at him, "and what would you call it then?"
"a.... friendly outing where we just vented out our feelings like any other friend would" Reggie tries not to laugh at the bullshit he just said.

"mhm... okay i'll just get it out from Flynn then." Julie rolls off the edge of the bed and leaves the room and heads to her own.

"okay bro talk... tell me what happened!!" I smack him with the closest pillow to me which shook him back awake.

"okay fine... if it gets you to stop harassing me."

"I wouldn't call that- okay never mind, you were saying?"
"okay so...."


"yeah i guess with everything that's happening at school my home problems aren't exactly top priority." Flynn says as she looks down at her pink trainers.

"your problems may not seem as big as others but it doesn't mean it doesn't matter at all."

"yeah yeah i know but i've always had a hard time opening up about anything, i never tell anyone anything about the bad parts of my life"

"I must be pretty special to know about it then huh?" I give Flynn a proud smirk.
She smiled but it slowly faded as she looked down back at her shoes, "yeah... yeah you do."

I do?

"I think- well I know, I like you Reg. Like a lot. And I know you're in love with someone else but I just needed to let it out you know?"


"In love with who exactly?" I asked confused, but also happy.
"I may or may not have taken a sneak into your lyricbook and found a love song."

"First of all, that's off limits. Second of all, it's about you."
"Yeah... you dumbass." Flynn chuckles at the sarcastic insult.

I took the lyricbook out of my backpack and flipped to the love song page then neatly ripped it off passing it to Flynn. "Keep it."

"So what happens now?" I ask hoping for a specific answer.
"What do you mean by "what happens now?""

"as in.... ya know? like relationship wise? girlfriend and boyfriend? julie and luke?"

"Right... i've always kinda been scared of being in relationships, i've been on dates and stuff. But I've never really committed to an actual relationship, it scares me. It scares me that I might end up like my parents. I want a healthy relationship, not a toxic one. As much as i really really REALLY like you, I don't know how i'm gonna handle it." We walked past a small thrift store and spotted a cool bucket hat on a mannequin that'd totally suit her.

I check around to see if anyone's watching and quickly zap in and out of the shop scaring the hell out of Flynn. I felt a weird surge as I did it, as if my powers were weaker. Not as strong as it was when we were ghosts.
"I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTIMENTAL EMOTIONAL PARAGRAPH AND YOU JUST SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME???!?!!" She places her hand over her heart trying to slow her heart rate with deep breaths.

"Sorry- Sorry!! I saw this cool hat and thought it'd look good on you" I placed it on top of her head and looked at how beautiful she was.

"Looking beautiful as ever."
"Oh and back to what you were saying, don't stress about it. We can take it slow, no need to rush things."
"You're honestly the best." Flynn holds my jaw and turns it around to kiss my cheek making my pale skin turn into a tomato.

"We should probably head home before my parents realise i'm not here yet" she says.

"oh yeah sure! want me to poof you out?"

Flynn crosses her arms, "nuh uh, i don't wanna go on those weird nauseous ghost rides, we can just walk."
I chuckle at her sass "okay miss bossy."


This is the shortest chapter i've ever written but as I said in my announcement my mental health is really deteriorating and I'm having to take things slower, I've even had to miss school yesterday for it. This was a little more Relynn but hope you guys are fine with that.

Really sorry about how shitty this chapter is😭

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now