chapter 24

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We poofed right behind Blake's back but he didn't seem to notice as he carried on shelving books alphabetically. I am never really that serious but when it comes to Julie or Flynn big brother mode automatically turns on.

Luke cleared his throat to catch Blake's attention and make him turn around. "Woah when did you guys even get here?" he said putting his hand over his chest in fear.

"none of your business." I said pushing my shoulders back to make me seem bigger. Alex rolled his eyes at me and focused back to Blake.
"Did you want anything?" he scoffed and stacked some books together.
"Just helping out" Alex speaks out and pretends to put some books in its shelf.

"where are your little girlfriends?" Blake smirks at Luke. "That's none of your business." Luke says in a low voice.

The girls were actually at the front working in an other aisle. Everyone was pretty quiet as we worked on getting all the books on every shelf. "Can we mess with him now?" I whine- whispered to Luke as he got another stack of books from a cardboard box. The whole reason we got detentions was to mess with him.

"Fine" Luke tugs Alex's arms who was probably having fun with organising the books. Luke poofed from the window so he was right next to Blake.
"Woah how'd you get there?!" Blake tripped back as his blue pupils got smaller, pulling his hood down. Luke just smirked at him.


"What do you mean I just came over here?" I teased. "No! No you weren't!" He takes a look at Alex and Reggie who were trying to not laugh.

"Whatever" he turns his back to me and focuses on the huge pile of books. I poofed again so I was on the left side of him. "What the fu-" this time he tripped over a book that was left on the floor groaning in pain.

I offered my hand to him and he took it and pulled himself up, halfway up I poofed again so I was now behind him and he fell back on his ass. "w-wha- wait... what?" Blake had never looked so flustered before, a pretty good sight if you ask me.

Reggie poofed next to me crossing his arms "hey!" he says cheerfully and waves his hand at him. I elbow him in the stomach getting him to act less cheerful.
"who the hell are you?" his face turned bright red as he grasped onto the nearest chair.

Alex poofed up behind him. "Sunset curve" his voice caused his neck to take a 180. "Tell your friends!" Reggie spoke up. I stomped onto his foot "ow..."

I took a step nearer to Blake who was still trying to decrease his heartbeat by big breaths. "I told you before..." I try put on a creepy voice, inspired by the one and only Caleb.

"Told me what?" he snapped back.

"idiot" Alex laughed.
"I told you not to mess with people anymore... and it seems you haven't exactly listened." I circled round Blake.

"I d-dont know what you're talking about!"

Alex poofed in front of him so they were centimetres apart. "You hurt Carrie, you hurt Julie and probably many other people that we don't know about" this time he just looked down at his shoes.
"Well don't start feeling bad now!!" Reggie said.

"What do you want? I- i'll do anything!" Blake looked like he was about to cry which made me even happier. Too mean? Maybe.

"Leave every girl you have ever messed with alone, for real this time." I say.

"Fine!" he exclaims. Alex gave him a little kick. "Say it like you mean it!!" his voice was a little louder.
"I WILL!!" he yelled back.

"and you do know that if we do find out your still being an asshole we can just come back to you" I smiled at him.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now