chapter 23

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".... and he's not leaving me alone" I just told Julie, Flynn and the boys everything.
"i'm so sorry Carrie" Flynn speaks up.

"so what are we gonna do?" Alex bounces his leg out of pure anxiety as he sits down at Julies desk.
"we're gonna mess with him, threaten him, make him leave school" Luke says confidently.

"hate to break it to you but that sounds almost impossible, how are we even gonna do this?" I say unconvinced.

Luke is a believer. He is the optimist. He always thinks things are gonna work out.

But I cant, if I believe and it ends out not working I'd be broken.

"we still have ghosting abilities" Luke smirks at Reggie and Alex. Reggie smiling back and Alex looking nervous. "aren't we just exposing ourselves?" he says.
"no one will believe him, we will make sure he won't have any witnesses around." Luke says.

There's a possibility it could work. But there's no way i'm getting my hopes up.

"when're we doing it?" Jules asks.

"Tomorrow. After school, in the library since no one is ever there" he says  calmly.
"the teachers won't let us just stay after school without parental permission or anything" I speak up after putting thought to it.

"now this is the fun part" Luke chuckles looking at everyone else. Reggie raises an eyebrow in confusion. "we all separately get detention."
Julies eyes widen. "what? no no no i've never gotten an after school detention before."

"me neither!!" Alex raises his hand and so does Flynn.
"cmon guys! teachers always put kids in the library for detention and then leave. Blake is doing library detention today too, I eavesdropped a little, it's a perfect opportunity." Luke says.

"fine, for carrie" Alex gives me a small smile and I return one back.
"thank you guys... it really means a lot."

"wait... how are we supposed to get a detention?" Flynn speaks up.


It's the next day, time to get a detention.

Detentions came pretty easy to me in the 90s, teachers just couldn't handle my charm I guess.

"what are you gonna do?" Alex hisses at me by the lockers.
"you'll see." I smirk at him which just causes him to worry.
"I'm ready to facepalm."

We both walk to our math class as all the other students are surrounded by the chalkboard. "what the hell did you do Luke?" Alex asks and I just shrug and smile, "look for yourself."

Alex shoves past the crowd so he gets a view of what I drew on the chalkboard. "you did not just draw a dick on the teachers chalkboard."
I carried on laughing with the students as Alex gave me a light punch. "you're saying I have to do something like this?"

"nah man I didn't wanna give up this free opportunity." I say. A tall shadow appears in front of me as I turn around I see my Maths teachers face in full shock.

"Who the hell did this?!" she yells at the class as they scramble back to their seats, I do the same.
"me" I say nonchalantly.
"principals office, now!" she points towards the door and I get out my seat sticking my fist out to Alex to get a spud. "told ya!" I whisper and make my way for the office.


"jules do you know what your gonna do to get a detention yet?" Flynn walks upto me as I make my way to science class. I shrug, "not sure yet."
"girl did you see what your boyfriend did?" she laughs. Okay maybe it was a little funny, but this guy had no limits.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now