chapter 26

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"I suggest we knock the teacher out and steal the footage" I whisper-yell to the boys and Jules.
"That might be the stupidest thing that's left your mouth Luke" Alex scoffs.
"Do the teachers even look at the footage?" Reggie asks as he doodles on his test paper.

"Yeah they check it at the end of every week ever since two people got caught making out in a spare science room last year" Julie slumps in her chair as we all cringe.

"Well it's a thursday afternoon so we have today and tomorrow morning to figure out a plan" I say. "Even if they do check the footage, it's not like they'll actually believe in ghosts right?"

"They could do anything with the footage, maybe even show it to the police if that helps with anything. And we can't risk you three getting caught." Julie pulls at the skin of her thumb, that means she's nervous.
"Hey it's gonna be okay alright?" I lock our hands together and rub my thumb against her hand.
"I'm just sorta scared of you guys getting caught, everyone will freak out."

"Yeah I agree with Julie on this one" Alex runs his hands through his silky hair.

"I can help you guys!!" Carrie said on the other side of the table after finishing her paper in a squeaky voice. I raise an eyebrow at her telling her to continue. "I help the principal every friday early mornings with reception/filing stuff, I could easily try sneak the footage."

"What a goody two shoes" I scoff and roll my eyes at her. She places her hands on her hips, "do you want my help or not?"
"YES! YES WE WILL TAKE YOUR HELP!"Julie waves her hands frantically trying to cut off the sarcastic remark I was about to come up with.

"Great leave it all to me." Carrie squeals, this is probably one of the first times she's done something bad in her life looking at how excited she is.
"Oh no Carries turning into a rebel!!" I mock her in a squeaky voice.
It's become a hobby of mine to bully her once in a while ever since Flynn made it very clear she will use her kitchen knife on me.
But no, no I am not scared of her.

"Hey Carrie have you found out who posted that video of you?" I ask curiously after a long silence. Alex and Julie kick my foot under the table simultaneously. "Dude you don't just bring that up!" Alex whispers.
"WHAT? i'm curious, gosh Alex."

"uh no I don't, but I honestly don't care as long as it doesn't continue I'm alright with it." Carrie said quietly.
"awkward!" Reggie singsongs.
"Reggie shut up" Flynn retorts. Reggie slumps back into his chair and crosses his arms. "Someone's sad that their crush got mad at them" Alex whispers to me.

"Alright kids, detentions over! Place your papers faced the other way on the table." The librarian walks out of the aisle from the actual library bit.
"Woah it's over already?!?" Reggie jerks his head up from the table.
"Yes Mr Peters, unless you would like to spend more time here?"
"uh no no no i'm going!" he grabs his backpack and zooms to the door.

"You got this? Right Carrie?" I ask her. She gives me a nod, "trust me, i've got this."

"She's got this" Flynn reassures, "don't doubt Miss Carrie Wilson."
"Well sorry but if you fail the whole school will find out that we are basically supernatural creatures" Carrie just rolls her eyes at me.
"I told you, i've got this."

*** (next day)

"You think Carries done it?" I ask as I walk into Julies room.
"She's at the school right now."
How does this girl go to school at the time I wake up at?

Julie stuck her eyes at her phone not even looking back up at me. "Someone's attached to their phone today" I jump onto the side of her bed as she waits at Carrie's profile.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now