chapter 20

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"hey alex do you think it'd be safe to pay Willie a visit one more time?" I ask. There's still so much more I wanna know!! Why can everyone see the boys now? Even feel them? They are ghosts for goodness sake!

"it depends why?"

"i have a ton of questions and he seems to know a lot" i say.
"yeah i do too but there's a chance Willie could get caught talking to us again." he sighs. He probably misses him a lot. I don't even know what i'd do if i wasn't allowed to see Luke again.
"sooo has rays suspicions of you and Luke decresead or..." Alex says jumping onto my bed.
"nope he definitely knows somethings up, I wanna tell him but I also want Luke to get onto his good side before anything else."

"well mr know it all aka Carlos definitely knows what's up" Alex laughs. "cmon let's get to school!"

CARRIES POV: (yes the queen has arrived)

Something about what Luke said yesterday kinda stung. I deserved it. But i'm trying to change and people don't see that's possible. I mostly wanna apologise to Julie. I left her at the worst time possible because I didn't think I would be able to be a good enough friend to support her when he mum died. My only REAL friend right now is probably Kayla. She sees the real in me.

I lean onto one of the pillars of the school and try eavesdrop into Luke and Reggies conversation. "hey man it's so weird to be back here, i'm gonna decorate my locker just like I did back in the days!!" Reggie says energetically.
"wow man you really haven't changed have you?" Luke laughs.
Reggie pulls out a small poster from his bag and sticks it on the inside of his locker. "it'll always be apart of me." I hear him say.

I squint my eyes to take a closer look at what it says.

Sunset Curve

Where do I know that from?
Well it's definitely familiar.
"hey!!" I walk upto the two boys.
"what do you want?" Luke says roughly. Reggie gives him a slight punch. "uh hey!"
He was definitely the sweet one out of the lot. "that poster." I point into his locker. He widens his eyes as Luke quickly rips the poster off and quickly shuts the locker, scrunching up the paper in his pocket. Reggie looks at Luke and Luke looks back at him.

"um yeah? what about it?" Reggie splutters out.
"i think i've seen that writing somewhere," Luke wiggles his eyebrows. "uh well ah yes we found this band poster off pinweb and printed it out!" reggie says nervously.

What the hell is a pinweb?

"do you mean pinterest?" I put my hands on my hips.
"ah yes yes that's what i meant! gosh i'm so dumb."

"oh... kay. I think i've seen that logo somewhere around my house or something." Luke crossed his arms, "well there is quite a lot in your house isn't there?"

Reggie gave him a second punch. "dude!"
"and how would you know that?" I question him. "oh er Julie mentioned your dad is kinda rich."

"right... i'm gonna go."

That was weird.


"and then she goes "do you mean pinterest?" god such a nitpicker!" I tell Julie.
"Oh cmon Luke she was just correcting me!" Reggie says.
"yeah I mean she actually seems really nice." Alex adds in from his seat.
"well you should've seen her before, she was so rude." Julie speaks up.

"well I like her" alex huffs.

Reggie and Alex went off to their seats while I still sat with Julie on her desk while we waited for the math teacher to arrive.
"oh hey you never told me that Blake was back." I try make it causal but to be honest I really wanted her to tell me before.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now