chapter 14

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"Julie." I called out for her name one more time but she was gone. I watched the love of my life just walk away from me. I turned around to both the boys staring at me.
"I promise... if i could tell you my excuse you would understand but i- i cant i really cant." They both gave me an understanding look and I could tell they knew I was being honest.

I really wanna tell them about luna. I'm bottling up all these emotions and I can't let them out to anyone. Not even Jules.


"never leave me okay?" he tells me.
"it'll take a lot for you to get rid of me" i whisper to him.

Yet here i am. Hugging my pillow not able to sleep. As much as I wanna hate him I can't stop thinking about him. It's 3 fucking am. My eyes actually feel like they are weighing down at this point. My eyes are focused on one object and one object only. The vase.

The vase that Luke bought for me when him and Reggie shattered the old one. Is everything gonna remind me of him now?

Ah fuck it.

I walked over to the vase and got the pack of sharpies he also bought me and started doodling.
I had already had drawn a tiny microphone on it but that was it, it looked empty. Kinda like me. I started to draw and next thing i knew there were 3 tiny cartoon ghosts, one with a bass guitar, one with a fanny pack and one with an orange beanie. That was my favourite beanie.

I had been doodling til around 6am, i had 2 more hours of sleep before i have to actually be awake.


I woke up and my eyes still felt heavy. I had no motivation at all.
I was starting to fall back asleep but i heard a poof. I turned around and saw Reggie. "hey." i said still half asleep.

"uh hey i- i don't wanna be selfish or anything but i really don't want you and Luke to be fighting... it just really brings bad memories." My heart broke for him. I know how hard his dad was on him and his mum.

"we aren't gonna be those problematic exes that are toxic to each other ever single day. I promise you."
This was what i was hoping it would be like at least.

I made my way downstairs only to see Luke in the studio and only him. "Oh um sorry." I look down onto the floor trying to not look at him in the eyes. "I was just trying to find alex." I mumble under my breath. I don't forgive him for what he did but i'm not trying to be toxic, mostly for reggie's sake.

I look up at Luke. His eye bags are darker than usual.
"you haven't slept at all have you?" Luke asks me, pointing out my puffy eyes.
I look back down to my shoes so i don't make eye contact. "could ask the same for you..."

There was an awkward silence around the room.

"um i'm gonna find alex now." i quickly leave before he replies.

This hurts way more than it should.

"Julie!!" Alex yells from the house. I catch up with him, "hey how are you today?" Alex asks. I shrug my shoulders, "besides the feeling of a crack in my heart and feeling like i haven't had sleep in a year i think i'm good." i say sarcastically.

"wanna go out to take your mind off it?" Alex asks. Alex and I have become really close friends recently so i can tell he's not only doing this to cheer me up.

"There is a reason... by the way. For why he did what he did." I didn't really like talking about the fact that i'm not longer with Luke.

"There's always a reason, but is it valid enough?" i ask him.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now