chapter 27

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"I'm going to Julie's house!!" I yell over both my parents arguing in the kitchen.
No response. "I said..." I raised my voice a little higher to grab their attention. They didn't even turn their heads around.
"yeah i'm just gonna go" I mutter under my breath and hop off the breakfast island chair.

Luke said something about a party we all got invited to. I'm not exactly in a party mood but I'll never pass an opportunity.

"Hey guys!!" I walk into the garage but no ones there. I keep forgetting that they no longer sleep there. I roamed around the area taking a look at the instruments, I know nothing about instruments and music like they do but I know how difficult it is to play. I spot a brown leather notebook laying next to the bass guitar.

I opened it up and looked through some amazing songs, it's probably Lukes song book. And as the amazing manager of the group I am allowed to look through the songs and help pick out which ones we play and when.

You are my home

That's the song that caught my eye first. It was written way more neatly than Luke would've done. "Flynn?" Julies voice comes from the door of the garage. I quickly shut the book and leave it back where it was. "What are you doing in here?"
"Oh uh I was just looking at some of Lukes songs for our next gig!" I say. Julie cocks an eyebrow, "that's not Lukes songbook, it's Reggie's"
"Oh- right! yeah that makes sense."

"You like him don't you?" Julie smirks at me. "What? No! I'm not as stupid as you to fall for a ghost."
"I see the way you look at him when his backs turned, so does Alex and Luke."
I turn back to the book, "well even if I did it wouldn't matter... he clearly likes someone else." I point over at the notebook.

"A song?" Julie asks. I nod my head at her and look down at my shoes trying not to look sad. "It's probably about you." Julie swings her arm around my shoulders as we walk into the house. "Doubt it!!"

"Oh hey Flynn!" Ray says and seats me at the breakfast table. "I've already eaten thanks."

"Oh hi Flynn!!" Reggie runs down the stairs almost tripping.


"I'll let you two get to talking." I winked at Flynn and ran upstairs into Alex's room. "What're you wearing for the party?" I ask.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I KNOW?" Alex yells at me as he throws out all the clothes in his cupboard. "no clothes to wear no clothes to wear!"
"Woah calm down... you have loads of clothes just pick a pair and wear it."

"There are gonna be hot single boys there, I need to look my best." Alex runs around his room looking for a shirt.
"Of course that's why you are panicking."

"What are you wearing?" Alex lays his back on his bed giving up. "Just a simple red dress."
"Red huh?" Alex smirks at me.
"Oh shut up!" I push Alex's head away from me.

*** (time to skip to evening)

"You want me to drop you guys off?" Dad asks me as he serves food to Carlos at the dinner table. I glance at Flynn who vigorously shakes her hand. "Er no it's fine we can catch a ride."

There are most likely to be drunk people surrounding the house and my dad would take me straight back home. "Just don't come home too late okay?" I nod at him and give him a peck on the cheek before grabbing my bag and meeting with the boys outside.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now