chapter 9

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I woke up on a familiar couch with a splitting headache. "how did i get here?" i groaned to myself. I look at my clothes expecting the red dress i wore at the party from yesterday but i was wearing the "RUSH" t-shirt Luke had on in the edge of great performance. I also had my mini shorts from under my dress. Wait! does that mean Luke... undressed me? I mean yeah he's seen me like that before but its still kinda surreal i even have such a dreamy boyfriend.    I look onto the wooden floors and see a scrunched up blanket and a pillow on the floor.  Luke must've slept there. I feel kinda bad for taking up his couch and making him sleep on the floor. I got off the couch but quickly sat back down when a wave of dizziness rushed across me. "never even glancing at the sight of alcohol again." i whisper to myself. The boys have probably gone out since Alex isn't in the loft and only Luke's bedsheets were on the floor, plus reggie isn't in the bathtub.

I hear some thuds from outside the studio so i try balance myself and walk over to the doors and use all my strength to open the doors. I open the door to see 3 playful boys teasing with carlos and his basketball.
"what the hell! that was a perfect shot how did that not get in???" Carlos whines at the basketball hoop. The boys laugh at him and i give them a smirk.

"oh hey julie! i thought you were at flynns." Carlos says with a hint of suspicion.
Shit that's right i was supposed to be at Flynns according to them. "oh right um i woke up early and headed for the studio because i didn't have the key and i was just playing some music and fell asleep again i guess." 
thats a good lie right?

"wow julie i think this is the first time you've said a realistic lie!" Luke teases sitting at the top of the basketball stand trying to balance.
"shut up." i say jokingly.
"dad wouldn't like that attitude!" Carlos says. Oh right! Carlos.
"i was joking!! haha got Carlos take a joke." i say nervously.
"i think we were a little late at the good lie thing." Reggie laughs standing behind Carlos.

Carlos just rolls his eyes at my weirdness and runs back into the house, annoyed that his basketball skills weren't as sharp as usual. "julie you look really pretty even when you're hungover." Luke compliments jumping off the basketball stand. I blushed slightly.
"oh yeah thanks for the shirt by the way!" i say trying to ignore my blushing.
"okay okay lovebirds if you are done here..." we both roll our eyes and Alex continues to speak.
"wanna go out to the town or something?" he suggests.
"omg we HAVE to go shopping!! it's the best bit of our town." i suggest. Reggie and Luke sulked at the idea.
"i'm up for it!" Alex raises his hand up.
"see this is why u love having a gay bestfriend." i put my arm around Alexs shoulder.

"wait a minute... if alex is your gay bestfriend, Luke is your boyfriend... what am i?!?!" Reggie states with a hint of worry.
"well youu... (i walk upto reggie) are my weirdo bestfriend who likes to take showers even when you are a ghost." he gives me one of those goofy reggie smiles. "hey hey hey Julies mine remember that!" Luke nudges Reggie.

"Nahh shes like my younger sister, plus i'm sure i like someone else." he comments.
"ooooh kaylaaaa!" Alex, Luke and I harmonise together.
"what? no it's fly-" he widens his eyes realising what he just exposed.
All three of our jaws were on the floor.

"w-w-wait i wasn't meant to say that!" Reggie has his head in his hands.
"FLYNN?!?! MY BESTFRIEND FLYNN?" I say excitedly. I wouldn't have expected it but now that you say it Reggie and her could make a good looking pair. They're both kinda weird and don't let anyone's opinions get to them.

"i mean- i don't know yet! She was super kind to me at the party and even danced with me." he carried on rambling on about how great Flynn was and we all glared at him waiting for him to stop.

"anyways... shopping?" i propose.

"ugh fine!" Luke and Reggie whine. Me and Alex jump around like 7 year olds and drag the boys to the mall.
"i want a laptop!!" Reggie says.
"isn't that a little expensive?" Luke asks.

"dude we're ghost, our reward for defeating Caleb jolts can be a little free stuff can't it?" we al roll our eyes at his stupidity. But i mean i guess they could just steal it, it's not like they can just give the cashier the money.
I start to lead the way down a path and stop at Victoria secret. The three boys stand in front of the glass doors. "gross." reggie and luke both say at the same time. I punch both of them in the arms.

(if you guys don't know Victoria Secret is a lingerie shop which is why i made Reggie and Luke be grossed out by it.)

"like you guys have never seen a shop like this!" i exclaim.
"it's still gross." Luke says putting on a baby face.
"i'm so sorry about these goofballs." Alex apologises for them. He drags them out the shop full off sexy lingerie but Luke let's go of him and runs to me. "not that it would look gross on you." he whispers in my ear and then runs off to meet with the boys. "what a cheek." i mutter under my breath.

I give a call to flynn to tell her to meet us here.


"you know you guys are actually so irresponsible." Alex complains.
Us three walk past a beautiful shop called "Pandora" and i spot an elegant charm in the window.
"hey um i'll catch up with you two." i tell them and run back to the store.
I pick up a silver bracelet that has a small dahlia charm in the middle. "julie would love this!" i tell myself.
I decided to pay for it by leaving money in the till because no gentleman would give a stolen bracelet as a gift to his girlfriend.

I run off and catch up with the boys and then meet up with the girls. I cant wait to show Julie what i got her. But i wanna do it special, like a proper first date maybe. I'd need the boys and Flynns help with this but i wanna make it special. Maybe... even confess my love? Wait no that's too far she might not feel the same way.

"what the hell did you spend all your emergency money on!!!" Alex shouts at me.
"it's a surprise." i smirk.
"but i need help with something..."

hey guys! yes i finally have posted a chapter. I'm honestly feeling so much better now thanks for being so patient. I realised i never really put in a first date for Julie and Luke so i thought that might be a good idea. I was thinking of adding Willie to the next chapter and explain a few things that haven't been explained throughly. Anyways love you guys x

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now