chapter 29

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"DATE! DATE! DATE! DATE!" Luke screamed at the top of his lungs waking Alex up again.
"SHUT UP LUKE!!" he said and pushed a pillow over his head.

I turn my voice into a bit of a whisper "i don't think i'm exactly ready to date yet."
Luke ruffled his eyebrows like a puppy. "what dyu mean?"
"Like... I dunno I've just seen how my parents turned out and I don't want that, I want nothing like that. I mean I still get nightmares and flashbacks to this day.
"Does Flynn know how you feel?"
I nodded back to him. "Does that make me look weak?"
"Look dude if you aren't ready, you aren't ready. There's no point trying to force a relationship if you aren't ready, clearly there is chemistry between the two of you but it doesn't mean you need to rush into a relationship."

"Lukes right" Alex says in a muffled tired voice under his pillow.
"I thought you were asleep!!" Luke said removing the pillow off him.
"Yeah well a certain someone woke me up with their annoying ass voice."
"I think that's me." Luke said and tried his best to hide his laugh.

"We still have a lot of time till Julies dad wakes up... wanna poof up to the orpheum roof?" I nodded my head frantically at Luke's question while Alex was a little hesitant.
"Oh cmon Alex!! don't be such a downer." Luke pulled his hoodie to make him stand up.
"Fine... but if Ray catches us-" he got cut off by Luke. "If ray catches us blah blah blah stop being so paranoid."
"Let's go" I say.

Reggie poofs out with ease but as I held Alexs hoodie sleeve and we tried poofing out together we couldn't. Alex widened his eyes and looked at me. I let go of his sleeve and tried again fortunately ending up where we were supposed to be.
"You guys took long."
"technical issues or something like that" Alex says.
Yeah something like that...

I woke up to a loud thud come from next door. "Guys?"
I crept over to their room to see them all on the floor groaning. "our poofing skills are getting a little rusty" Alex says rubbing his shoulder.
"Just come down for breakfast then we can think of our new song to perform at the new coffee shop down the street." I tell them and get ready for my Saturday.

*skip to rehearsal*

"warmup with finally free?" Luke suggests as reggie and alex nods.
"Okay let's go."
I start off my keyboard piece and sing.

Hearts on fire
We're no liars
So we say what we wanna say
I'm awakened
No more fakin
So we push all our fears away

Don't know if I'll make it 'cause I'm falling under
Close my eyes, and feel my chest beating like thunder
I wanna fly
Come alive
Watch me shine

(boys join in)

"I got a spark in me!" they all sing very offkey and their instruments sound untuned.
I raise my eyebrows at them and just assume they need some warming up.
They carry on singing with me, me being the only one singing in tune.

I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now 'til eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long, and now we're finally freeeee-

I stopped tapping the tambourine and stopped singing too.
"bEeN tOo LoNg AnD nOw WeRe FiNalLy Fr- hey whyd you stop? I was really feeling it." Reggie puts his hands on his hips.

"You guys sounded AWFUL."
I receive three very offended faces. "Maybe you're the awful one?" Luke teases.
"I'm not kidding, you guys sounded like dying donkeys."
"Ouch." Alex whispers.

"What's happened to your angelic singing and playing?" I asked worriedly.
"It's probably nothing!! just an off day maybe?"

"Okay we can take a break but try warm your voices up or something."
"Got it." Luke removes his guitar off his body and clears his throat.

"Hearts on FIYARRR- okay THAT sounded like a dying donkey. What the heck?"
"Lemme try my drums." Alex jumps back to his seat and taps on his drums.
"think this has something to do with caleb?"

"What no? he's out of our lives. don't say that." I was confident when speaking but deep down something in my heart was telling me otherwise.

"This is your voices, Caleb can't control that."


Very sorry for the horrible long wait. I'm finally feeling a little better now but i'm not sure if i'll be carrying out this book as i've no longer gotten a lot of motivation and my writing isn't as flowing anymore. No final decisions have been made yet but hopefully you guys will respect my choice no matter what it is

I fricking love you if you are still here.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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