chapter 12

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Alex poofs us both to the town centre, apparently Willie likes to skate here a lot. Alex vigorously bites his lip; clearly worried. I grip his hand to show that it'll all be okay. "we WILL find him." i can be a little too optimistic at some times. But i'm positive we will find him, or at least know where he's located. 
"You said you once visited that empty museum, have you checked there?" i suggest.
He starts to bounce his legs. "i've tried, it just brings too many memories... of willie."
"well we're gonna have to check!" i drag Alex off the bench we were sitting on and we both stood in front of the Los Feliz Museum.

"i'm really nervous." he admits.
I open the museum door wide and let Alex go in first. He takes a deep breath in and then enters the building.

"please please please be here." i mutter to myself.
"WILLIE!!" I shout out and hear my echos bounce of the walls.
"WILLIE!" Julie screams.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"come on! he has to be here somewhere you've checked everywhere else." Julie says hopeful.
"there's no hope." I plop onto a stone bench and drag my fingers across the edge of the bench. "This was the exact place he taught me how to carry heavy objects, just the touch of his hands on mine caused fireworks to erupt in the pit of my stomach." i say moping.

"that's it i can't listen to your depressing stories anymore, i WILL find him." why is she so persistent? There's no way we could find him.

"hey! what about upstairs?" she suggested. "nah that bit is cut off wouldn't that be like illegal or something?" i know i sound like a buzzkill but breaking rules really scare me.

"not for a ghost." she smirks and rips off the tape from the bottom of the steps and we both make our way upstairs. "if someone catches us you need to poof us both back to the studio." julie whispers. I give her a worried nod.

We looked all over the top floor, nowhere! I guess it really is time to give up now. "let's just go home." i sigh.
"shhh" julie puts a finger on her lips. "do you hear that skidding?"
I focus my hearing and hear something that sounds like a skateboard. Willie.
I leave Julie and run off and follow the sound. I see a white door hidden off from the top floor and slowly creak the door open. It was the back of someone's head but i could notice that one anywhere. Messy long brown hair, a cropped tiedye hoodie and black shorts. He was rolling his skateboard back and forth onto the floor.
"Willie..." i whisper. He turns around.
"A-alex?" he whimpers. I run upto him and wrap my arms around him so tightly which could've probably cut off his blood circulation. "What the hell are you doing here?" Willie says still in shock.
I take his hand and pull him out of the small cupboard he was practically living in. "this is julie, the girl i was telling you about." i point at Julie but she just looks at me confusedly.

"can you not see him?" i ask.
"n-no i mean your holding something in the air and that's it, WAIT IS THIS WILLIES HAND YOURE HOLDING?" she says the last bit with excitement. I start to blush like crazy. It makes sense why Julie cant see him, he's not exactly connected to her. Well i dunno if we are connected to her at all but whatever.

"okay so i know you can't see him and all but yeah he's here." Julie starts jumping up and squealing. "optimistic julie saved the day!"
I sometimes forgot she also has her kiddish side.

"okay okay listen alex... as much as i love having you around you HAVE to leave. I've been hiding out from Caleb ever since your orpheum performance- good job by the way. This is where i've been staying so far and i can't risk getting myself getting caught... or YOU!" This makes me a little upset but he's right. Caleb could be anywhere.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now