chapter 15

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I woke up and could feel a sense of comfort and warmth around me, I didn't wanna leave. I look down onto my body and see a familiar brown flannel jacket keeping me warm. I knew exactly who's it was. Wait where was I?

I jolt up from the couch to see Luke laying on the floor. I dunno if he's asleep or not.
I slept here? I don't even remember dozing off. I slip Luke's jacket off myself and leave it on the side of the couch and quickly make my way to my room so Dad doesn't catch me.

"Julie." I hear a morning voice from behind me just as I'm about to open the front door. I turn around to see Luke. He looks so tired.

"yes?" I try not to look at his green eyes.
"I know... we aren't together or anything anymore but" he pauses for a minute.

"are you gonna carry on?" I ask.
"oh um right uh so I know we aren't together and stuff but can I have a hug?" he said the last part quietly.
I know Luke craves for some sorta attention, his love language is literally touch.
"come here." I bring my arms open and he walks up to me and hold me around the waist. He squeezes my body as if he doesn't wanna let go again. I scruffle his hair up and wrap my arms around his neck. "hey this doesn't mean i forgive you." I mumble.

"yeah i fucked up pretty bad, but i'm gonna find a way to show you what happened without telling you, i'm getting you back." his hot breath whispered into my ear causing me to grow goosebumps. I could feel my cheeks go rosey and quickly pulled out of the hug looking at the ground. "i'm gonna go..." I mutter under my breath and give Luke a small wave. He gives a small smile in return.

Is it gonna hurt like this forever?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as i felt my phone vibrate on my desk.


what did he want?
I decided to leave him on read and just talk to him at school. It's so obvious he has a crush on me and I've only known him for a few days but he seems nice.

I decide to walk to school today as it was quite warm and sunny.
As i reached my locker I saw Blake leaning against it, why you ask? No idea.

"hey Molina!" he shouts out.
"are we really gonna be using last names as nicknames? how cliche." i reply.

"hey so i was wondering... do you wanna go out tonight?" he asks. I just froze.
"i- i mean as a friend thing. Not a date, unless you want it as a date! Wait okay forget i said that." he was a whole bowl of nervous.
Kinda cute to be honest.

"sure! i'll go on a date with you." his eyes lit up.
"w-wait like an actual date date?" he asked.
I just shrugged my shoulders. "i mean sure it could be fun."
"i was really expecting rejection... okay meet me at my place: 7:00pm" he leaves a kiss on my cheek and quickly runs off.

Did I even really want this? I look down to my phone lockscreen to see a picture of Luke and I.
I have to get over him.

- - - -

"woah woah woah this Blake guy asked you out? AND YOU SAID YES?" Flynn screamed in the lunch hall causing everyone to stare at us.

"yes... and i'd like it if the whole world didn't hear you." i whispered.

"girl you gotta show Luke your stronger than he thinks. Show him that you can get any guy you want!" Flynn hypes me up.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now