chapter 8 (the party)

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We all arrive to the party in our fancy clothing, Luke and Flynn have clearly been to parties before because they look way calmer than Julie, Alex and I. I'm pretty sure Alex is just afraid of drunk people, can't blame him. The house was HUGE. Like mansion huge, and where do we live? in a garage. I see a beautiful girl with long brown hair and a black dress approach us, Kayla. She looks even more prettier without her costume and wig. "hey Julie glad you made it!" she said loudly over the music. I clear my throat and say "you look really pretty."

"oooo Reginald's got GAME!" Luke says from behind me. "but just remember buddy she can't see you when we aren't playing."

"oh shut up and go make out with your girlfriend or something." He lets out a chuckle but doesn't say anything. "come onnn let's dance!" Flynn whines. I can pull out all my cringy dance moves since no one but Flynn, Julie and the boys can see me. I still don't know why Flynn can see us. It's all one big mystery to me. (i have a whole storyline to why she can see them don't worry.)

Flynn pulls me onto the dance floor and we both start dancing really close. Let's just say Flynn has way better party moves than me. She's more confident. "stop being so awkward." she mumbled. "you know i'm not as confident as you!!!" i complain. Flynn takes my hands and starts dancing with me. I try let loose and just be free and forget anyone's there. I move my hips to the music. "yeahh get it girl!" Flynn hypes me up. "look who's staring." Flynn gives me the googly eyes to Luke. I secretly look at Luke and see him staring in awe. I smile to myself.

"Hey why don't we all hang out in the basement i heard there are some wicked games going on there!" Alex shouts. We all nod and head down stairs. We walk down the steps to the basement and see a few more people there. Including Carrie, ew. Okay okay maybe i'm overreacting. "where's your little boy toy?" Carrie says in her high pitched voice with Nick hugging her from her waist. Since when were they back together?
"i dunno Carrie, how much begging did it take for you to get back with Nick?"
Flynn chuckles.

"oooooooo burn!" Luke and Reggie say at the same time knowing Carrie can't hear them. A smile forms on Julies face.
"whatever babe, let's go!" she hooks arms with Nick and struts out the basement.

"who knew you were such a badass" Luke says wrapping his arms around my waist. "i'm pretty sure it's the adrenaline kicking in." i laugh.
I sit down on one of the couches and Luke scoots next to me laying his head on my shoulder. It was pretty cute.
Nick walks back down to the basement. "sorry Carrie forgot her pur" he pauses staring at Luke and I.
"what?" i question him.
"i didn't know you and the sleeveless bandmate were so close." he points at Luke.

"w- wait you can see me?" Luke asks. "uhhhhhh well of course i can. What do you think you are a ghost?" that kinda got me laughing.

Reggie waves his hands in front of Nicks eyes but he doesn't see him. "what... the hell!"
"well i'm gonna go now, bye jules!" Nick says and runs upstairs with Carries purse.

"that's my nickname for you." Luke growls. "seriously luke there are more important stuff!" Alex gives him a light punch. "Nick could see you when you were cuddling with Julie but couldn't see us! like the power of love or something like that."

love? no no no no we aren't in love yet right?

"the point is Luke could be seen when cuddling with Julie." Flynn says.
"ugh whatever let's get a drink." Luke says trying to enjoy the night.
when he meant a drink... was he talking about alcohol? orr like capri-sun? nah probably alcohol. Dads gonna kill me. But i kinda wanna let loose after finding out Luke can be seen with me.
"come onnnn guys!" Reggie whines trying to pull all of us back upstairs. Flynn brings out two cups one for me and one for her.
"bottoms up." Flynn says excitedly.
i don't hesitate to drink the whole cup in one go. i squint my eyes "wow that's strong!"

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now