chapter 17

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I had to face Blake. And I can tell you there was no way i'm staying with him anymore. I'm not going under his trap.

Luke and the boys had found out about Dad but we haven't gotten to talk about it to him yet. I strictly told them they weren't allowed to come into the house and had to stay in the studio while Dad was around.

"ALEXA play "my faves" playlist on!" i say as I get ready for the day.
"playing *drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo* on amazon music."

It stops abruptly as I let out a small laugh.

I still haven't told Flynn about what went down at his house but she's been spamming me with messages on instagram regarding the posts I was tagged in and Blake's posts with his supposedly new girl.



are you okay?

what the hell is going on?

why is blake with some other girl?

wtf are these photoshopped posts?


jules it says you have read the message



I couldn't face her. Anyone!

"girl you better have an excuse to why you didn't reply to any of my messages!" Flynn yelled from the other side of the locker room as I took my books out.
"what the hell happened? do i need my knife again?" she asked concerned.

"i need to explain everything to you, i promise! i will, but i need to figure out what's going on for myself first and then we can have a huge tea talk."
She sighed, "okay fine, but if anything's wrong you have to tell me. Ok?" i give her a slight nod.

My next lesson was Religious Studies which is where I see Blake next. I knew I had to talk to him before class started. At the side of my eye I saw his blonde hair and blue varsity jacket.
"I gotta go and talk to him, I'll be right back!"

I ran off from Flynn and met up with Blake. I tapped on his shoulder causing him to turn around and smirk as his friends laugh from behind him. "can we talk? privately please." I ask.

" "privately please" " one of his friends mocked.

"sure." he says and walks into the storage closet and I follow him in trying to to make eye contact with Blake.

"what did you want again?" he says nonchalantly. This made me mad.
"what do i want? WHAT DO I WANT? you force me to have sex with you and the next day I see you with some random hot girl and photoshopped pictures all over insta?? that is NOT okay Blake!!" I yelled at him.

"oh please stop being so dramatic." he scoffs.
"dramatic? are we really talking about dramatic when your little heart got broken just because I didn't wanna go fast with you??" I tried my best not to let tears form in my eyes.

"pfftt don't you get it Julie?" i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"guys only want girls like you for one thing, and once that one thing is gotten we move onto the next. I mean come on! did you really think I liked you for you? no I liked you for your body!!!" my heart just dropped. I couldn't even form words.
"don't tell me you thought Luke wouldn't be the same!" he carried on.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now