chapter 13

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Luke was being really clingy lately. Like REALLY clingy. He'd always follow me around the house or wait outside the bathroom if I've gone in. "I'm going shopping with Flynn today" i tell my dad.
"okay just remember what day is coming up!" a smile grows on my face as I remember my birthday is coming up. I love birthdays. Periodt.
And this will be my eighteenth!

I leave my house and there Luke poofs right in front of me. "god I'm still not used to that." i put a hand over my chest.

"can i go shopping with you?" he pouts. "since when did you like shopping?"
"uhh since... i don't know okay i just wanna go!" i raise my eyebrows at him.

"sorry! girls day." I give him a peck on his cheek and leave him at the doorstep.


I don't really wanna go shopping. I'm scared that the Luna freak is gonna do something. I'm pretty sure she's a ghost too.
I had been pacing around the studio the whole day waiting for her to come back.
"dude you good?" Alex asks causing me to stop walking up and down.
"uh yeah just waiting for Jules."

"you've been quite clingy to Julie recently." Reggie adds on.
"uh no! I have not." i defend myself.
"keep lying to yourself!" Alex says as he puts his hoodie on.

"I'm back!!" Julie shouted from outside. YAY!
I run up to Julie and carry her up and hug her causing her to squeal. "I'm gone for an hour and you miss me this much?"

"yeah your my girlfriend."

"I'm gonna go take a shower... don't even dare coming in." she points at me and I throw my hands up to defend myself. Maybe I have been a little bit like her tail... but it's for her own safety!

After five minutes I poofed up to her room and sat down on the floor outside her bathroom waiting for her to come out. I started wondering around her room starting to get bored. I see a pile of clothes on her bed and look at them, Julie has the coolest taste in fashion! That's when I saw her diary. Julie would kill me if I looked in there, and I'm already dead!

I slowly took a step to the diary but a scream cut me off.


I poof into the bathroom completely forgetting she was having a shower.
"LUKE!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" she yells trying to cover herself with the shower curtain.

"I HEARD YOU SCREAM!" i yell back.


seriously? a spider.
"what the hell did you think it was?" i just shrug my shoulders.

"uhh okay well can I at least get some privacy?" she said as I just stood there.
"oh um yeah sorry... oh and for the record: don't act like I haven't seen you with no clothes on." I wink at Julie causing her to blush as she still tries to hide behind the curtain.

I poof back to the studio seeing as I've caused enough trouble today. The boys left a note on my couch telling them they went out to the beach for a bit. That left me to think... only for a while until Luna poofed into the room.

"what the fuck do you want?" I jolt up from the couch and put my hands in front of me as defence.

"language language language!" she circled round me creepily. I can't help myself from getting Caleb vibes.

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now