chapter 16

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Be careful

I can trust Blake, he's my boyfriend for heavens sake!! I knock onto Blake's door and he opens it in a matter of seconds. His parents aren't here again... it seems to be a pattern.

"Hey jules, come on in!"

Jules? That nickname is only used by Flynn and Luke

"Let's go to my room." he says. My dad has a very strict not allowed alone in a boys room policy. But technically he's not here.

"Okay so you wanna-" i get cut off with Blake's lips smashing onto mine. He pushed me back at the door and tightened his grip around my waist. I kissed back but he held more passion.
He started to kiss down my neck which is where i didn't wanna go further. I pushed his chest slightly away from me but he didn't get the message and kept kissing. "blake... please stop." I push him a bit harder causing him to lose balance and get off me.

"i said stop... why didn't you stop?" I ask him. "oh i didn't hear you, sorry." he mumbles.
"oh right... that makes sense." I smile. Things are definitely awkward now. "movie?"
"yeah." he muttered.

Soon the awkward tension was filled with comfort and laughter. I got more comfortable with Blake as he wrapped his arms around my body making me feel warmer. Blake randomly brought my chin up to him and started kissing me again. If I thought Luke was bad when it came to craving touch, Blake is much worse.

I quickly pull away again causing him to grunt and move apart from me. He stayed quiet throughout the whole movie and the tension had turned awkward again.
Every time I laughed at a funny joke he's stay silent until the movie ended.

He cleared his throat and said, "I think you should go home now."
"what?" I ask with a sense of worry in my voice.
"you heard what i said."
"are y- you mad at me? because just an hour ago we were laughing and talking." i asked.

"no." simple answers always mean you are mad. I would know.
"Blake you can tell me anything." I said.
"your always pulling away whenever we have some sort of romantic moment, it's making me feel like you don't even like me." he said.

"what? of course i do!! why would you even think that?" i asked.
"are you a virgin?" he asked nonchalantly.
"uh no i'm not actually." i said embarrassedly. "was it that luke dude?" i nodded slightly.

"so why cant you give me yourself to me?"
give myself? what am i some object?
"because i'm not ready, you need to understand that!!" i raised my voice a little higher.

"well you were ready with Luke!!" he yelled causing me to flinch.
"there's more to a relationship than just sex Blake!!" I matched his tone of voice. He just scoffed at me and looked at me hard with those blueygreen eyes.

"it makes me feel like you don't like me at all." he puts on a sad soft tone which made me feel bad for him.


I walked upto him and held his hands. "i'd never want you to feel like that. ever." he grasps my hands back.

I pull his face to me and kiss him passionately. "see?" i give him a smile. He smiles back.

"now there's only one way I can forgive you." he whispered in my ear. I knew exactly what he meant. But I didn't want it. And every time I refused he'd get a little aggressive. Scary aggressive.

I gave myself in. "great." he whispered and pushed me onto the bed and kissed me roughly.

(hey guys i didn't wanna go into depth with it because it's a very sensitive and triggering subject for some people and I didn't feel comfortable adding in detail. I hope you guys understand, he basically forced her to have sex with her and he was really rough and she didn't like it. I wanna slap Blake in the face right now)

 juke- my girl || jatp💜 (ON HOLD) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now