Christmas Special

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             It's been a really long day. First I fell down some stairs running away from some villian I had managed to piss off, then I tripped jumping off a roof and landed in a dumpster. And last but not least, Kotori and Hitoshi started pelting me with snowballs the second I walked through the door to my warehouse. And when I glared at them they just laughed.
             God I hate winter. It's cold and wet, the rooftops are always slippery with ice, and I don't even get to enjoy hot-chocolate during the evenings because I'm busy training Hitoshi with his chain whips.
              I sighed before plopping down on my bed inside my crate. I was a bit hungry but was to tired to go and get something from my mini-fridge. At least I managed to make a heater awhile ago cause if I hadn't I would be freezing my balls off in here. I need to take a nap, or I'm going to kill the next person who talks to me. I hope I actually manage to go to bed without any interruptions like last time. Hitoshi fucking chucked a water balloon in my face than ran off cackling like a psychopath.
               I jinxed it didn't I? I did, as the next moment I felt a electricity flowing through my viens. And then I passed out. Why the fuck can't I get some decent sleep around here!?

              I woke up feeling like I got tazed a million times. That was probably an overstatement but I did get kidnapped because I didn't recognize where I was. The room was made out of concrete and had no windows. There where shelves lining the walls that where filled with random things. It looked like a storage room. There was a set of staires leading up to a heavy metal door. That wasnt going to be easy to break through without my quirk. I was tied to a surprisingly comfortable chair and for that I was thankful. I probably hadn't been out long considering my neck didn't hurt that bad.
                The door rattled and the opened revealing! Fucking Kotori and Hitoshi. "What the fuck!? Guys, what's going on!? Why am I tied to a chair and why am in someone's basement!?" Kotori chuckled while Hitoshi just smirked. "We thought you might need a vacation." What the fuck Hitoshi!?
                 "So you fucking kidnap me!? Not cool! Untie me!" They just laughed again. At least they untied me from the chair. They did not however, untie my hands. Wonderful. They practically dragged me up the stairs into a living room. And not just any living room, it was Shouta's and Hizashi's living room. They where in on this to!? Why did everyone kidnap me!?
                 "Ok, tell me what's going on or I'm jumping out the window, tied up hands or no." Just then the owners of the living room we where currently in walked towards us. "If we untie you, you have to promise not to leave. Got it? Good." I didn't even answer you sleep deprived hobo! I nodded all the same and Kotori pulled a knife from who knows where and cuts the rope around my wrists.
               They all lined up before me with shit-eating grins and I got nervous. All of them together where a force to be reckoned with. "MERRY CHRISTMAS FUCKER!!" What. The. Fuck. It's Christmas? When did that happen? WAIT I DIDN'T GET PRESENTS FOR ANYONE!! SHIT!!
                  "Come sit." Shouta grabbed my wrist with his capture weapon and pulled me to the corner of the room where a large decorated tree stood with dozens of presents beneath it. Where did they even get the money to buy so many gifts? Like, how? Also, how did I not notice the practically shining tree? Whatever.
                I heard a meow and turned around to see my cats sitting on top of the couch with red bows around their necks. I smiled slightly and sat down in between Shouta and Hitoshi while Kotori sat next to Toshi and Hizashi sat next to Shouta. Flame jumped up onto Kotori's shoulders and draped himself on her neck. Lightening went and stood with his back legs on my shoulders and his front legs on top of my head.
                 "Ummm, so I didn't know it was Christmas so I didn't get any of you presents." They all chuckled at my  embarrassed face. "We know. I was gonna tell you but we decided that kidnapping you would be more fun. And it was." Fuck you Toshi. "Sorry little listener, but you get to open the first present!" Hizashi said happily.
                 I sighed and grabbed a small package with my name on it. It was from Shouta. I slowly opened it to find a picture frame showing the both of us with my cats on our heads. The best thing was that he was actually smiling in the picture. I looked at the picture happily and leaned on Shouta's shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around me while we watched Kotori reach for a colorful box. She opened it and gave a grateful smile to Hizashi. 
             "Thanks Hizashi. I really like it." She pulled out a long knife with a pale gold handle and black sheath. Figures she would like it, she's practically obsessed with knives. It was Hitoshi' s turn next and he grabbed a very large wrapped gift and tore it open with no care whatsoever. Inside was the fluffiest pillow I had ever seen. It was a body pillow and was a dark gray color. It looked like a cloud and I immediately wanted to sleep on it. And by the looks of it, so did Toshi
                "Thanks Kotori. I'm never going anywhere without this." I laughed quietly along with Hizashi. "I almost just kept it. I'm thinking about getting myself one." Understandable. "Ok my turn!" Hizashi said brightly and reached for a box with blue paper and a white bow. He tore it open with vigour revealing frying pan wrapped in a yellow banket. "Ummm, thanks?" He said unsure about why he was given frying pan.
                  "I saw you knock out a villian with one on the news once and now I want it to be your official weapon." Hitoshi stated with a laugh. Me and Kotori started laughed as well and even Shouta chuckled a bit while Hizashi pouted. He wrapped the yellow blanket around his shoulders and leaned against Shouta like I was. "Am I pillow now?" We all laughed a bit and Hizashi handed Shout a box covered in ducktape. "I was wondering why you where trying to sneak up the stairs with ducktape." Hizashi giggled and Shouta sighed.
                "Here." Kotori handed him the knife Hizashi had given her while giving said man a shit-eating grin. He pouted and snuggled into Shouta while he took the offered knife and carefully cut the tape. And when I say carefully, I meant he stabbed the box and ripped it as quickly and as messily as he could. Hizashi made offended noises the entire time. He finally got all the ducktape off so that he could open the box.
                Inside where a new pair of goggles that he would wear as Eraserhead. Shoutsla smiled at them and muttered a quiet thanks.
                We opened all the presents and I was quite happy with what I got, as where the others. We all sat in front of the couch watching some lame Christmas movie while drinking coffee. Well, Hizashi drank hotchocolate. It was like we where a family and the thought made me smile to myself.
                 "Hey, me and Zashi have one last present for you guys." We all looked over at Shouta as Hizashi went to the kitchen to grab whatever they got us. He came back with the biggest smile on his face and even Shouta was grinning. Though that was a terrifying  sight to behold. Hizashi handed each of us a piece of paper with our names at the top. I started reading it quickly as I was curious.
                  I gasped when I realized what it was. Kotori and Hitoshi gasped to. I could feel tears spring to my eyes and we all jumped at the two men who had offered us something that would change our lives for the better. They gave us adoption papers.

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