Wait What!?

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               I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly while averting my eyes from Aizawa's shocked ones. "Well, yeah. Uh, surprise?" Kotori was also a bit nervous of their reactions. "W-wa-wait, y-you guys d-didn't k-kn-know who t-the other w-was?" Eri asked looking very confused. "Ah, well Eri, we're vigilants so it would be dangerous for us to give out our identities to people, especially pro-heros." Hitoshi explained gently and with a kind smile.
                "Y-you've got to be kidding me. Three of my students are the most notoriously known vigilants in Japan. Why the fuck?" Hizashi slapped Aizawa's head when he cussed and pointed at Eri. "I'll have to agree with Shota on this one little listeners, why on Earth did you three become vigilants?" Hizashi asked with a look of concern on his face. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "I ran away from home." I admitted quietly.
                "Why? Arn't your parents concerned that you left?" Aizawa asked, now looking worried. "No. Everyone thinks I'm dead. I'm still not very clear about how I'm actually alive. I literally jumped of a four story building." I laughed dryly and Kotori flinched, most likely remembering how I splatter against the ground like an underdone pancake.
                 "Y-you tried to-." I then remembered that there was a child in the room and grabbed Aizawa's chin to stop him from asking if I had offed myself. I pointed at Eri and he got the message and shut up. "Hey Eri, do you want to try and sleep some more? Your looking a bit tired." Kotori asked gently while rubbing the small girls head. "A-alright." She answered giving Kotori a very small smile that melted everyone's hearts. How could anyone hurt something so precious?!

                  Once Kotori had wrapped Eri in a fluffy blanket and layed her on the couch, we all migrated to the kitchen to talk about the predicament we where in. "So...are we really going to adopt Eri?" Hizashi asked quietly. "Well I for one, don't trust orphanages or foster homes at all. They are almost always abusive and way to demanding. Eri is not going to a place where she will be mistreated, especially after what she went through." Kotori crossed her arms and glared at Aizawa and Hizashi.
                 Aizawa sighed and gave a nod of agreement. "I guess it's the most logical solution. We can set up a room tomorrow and get everything sorted out." I smiled in triumph along with Kotori while Toshi threw his fists  above his head with a blank look on his face. "So now that that's out of the way, let's talk about you three being vigilantes." Well shit.
                  "Well...what do you want to know exactly?" I asked. "Well for starters, why did you become vigilantes in the first place? It's illegal and can endanger your future as heros." Kotori snorted and Toshi chuckled a bit. I smiled as well. "We technically never used our quirks while out at night so we're just some people who happen to stop a lot of crimes." Aizawa sighed-hes been doing that a lot today-before Hizashi laughed a little.
               "And why we became vigilants, well I wanted to train as I wanted to become an underground hero and then those two kinda just joined after awhile." Aizawa slammed his head on the kitchen table and groaned causing the rest of us to laugh. "Alright then. But what about your parents. Akatanni, you said you... Well tried to off yourself so how are you alive little listener?" Hizashi asked looking a bit worried and very confused.
                "I'm not actually sure. I just remember walking up in some weird building that I later found out was a morgue with an autopsy scar and a quirk. You see, I was quirkless up until two years ago before I jumped off my old school. I'm sure you can guess why I did what I did." The two adults nodded slowly even though they were both still very much confused. "Well, what about you?" Aizawa looked at Kotori who looked a bit awkward.
                "My parents got arrested a few months ago just before the entrance exams for child neglect. I've lived in my old apartment since." They both looked a bit angry at what she said and honestly I was too. "And you?" This time he turned to Toshi for his story. "I have what is called a villainous quirk so I was bullied at school and my parents ignored me. They don't care what I do as long as I don't make them look worse than I already have." He looked down after he explained so put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
                "So you all come from crappy backgrounds and for some reason Akatanni got an autopsy and came back from the dead?" We all nodded at Aizawa who looked about ready to kill someone. "Fine. Akatanni, we need to know more about what exactly happened. Are you alright with that?" I nod. "Well for starters, my real name is Izuku Midorya and I live in a warehouse and work at a small cafe. I didn't exactly have a good life, but I was ok. But...my mom..." I took a deep breath to try and calm down. I felt a hand on my head and looked to see Kotori with a comforting smile. I smiled weakly back and turned back to Aizawa and Hizashi.
                "She mostly just ignored me, but one night, she had to much to drink and well...I'm sure you know what happened." I sighed and closed my eyes. I had tried my best to forget my past, but now I was practicly reliving all the abuse and harassment I'd gone through. "Shit..." Aizawa stood up and walked around the table to embrace me in a tight hug. I shivered and pushed against his warmth.
               "You don't have to keep talking listener. You can stop." Hizashi said quietly. He looked very worried, but I could detect no pity on his eyes which I was very grateful for. I didn't want to be pitied. Aizawa had yet to remove his arms from around me so tapped his shoulder to met him know I was ready to tall again. He returned to his seat, but gave me a very worried look. "The day before what happened, I was told by my childhood best friend turned bully to kill myself for being quirkless. He told my to take a swan dive off the roof of the school, so I decided that the world didn't need me and followed his advice." I could hear Kotori's sharp intake of breath and turned to see her looking about ready to commit murder. She probably wanted to murder Bakugou. "Sorry Kotori, I didn't mean for you to have to watch." I gave a lopsided grin to try and lift the tence mood. Good thing Eri was sleeping.
                 "Anyway, all I remember after jumping was pain and then waking up in the morgue. Just as I was about to have a panick attack, orange flames started coming from my hands. Of course I got extremely confused, especially about how I even survived. I have a theory though. I figured out a healing factor to my quirk a few months later and assumed that's what kept me alive." I finished explain, feeling better now that the hard part was out of the way.
                 Aizawa and Hizashi looked at each other before turning back to us and saying in perfect sync.

"We're adopting all of you."


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