Quirk Apprehension Test

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             I was standing next to Kotori silently while watching the class freak out over something that probably won't happen. Kotori started snickering and I looked where she was and saw that a short grape headed boy was on the ground with tears pouring out of his eyes. I smiled and but hid it beneath a hand.  "Why!? If I don't pass I'll never get to touch future heroions boobs!?"
           We both stopped smiling at that and I took a few steps back as I didn't want to get cought up in whatever Kotori planned to do to the disgusting pervert. She walked slowly towards the short boy with a very dark aura surrounding her. "What did you say you little bitch?" She asked in a voice that promised death. Everyone got quiet and starred in fear at the girl who looked about ready to commit  murder.
            "H-huh?" The boy asked from the ground while shaking. "I asked what the fuck you just said." He didn't answer and tried to get up and run away, but Kotori picked him up with her quirk and held him in front of her. I was honestly surprised that Aizawa sensei hadn't stopped her yet. She realled back her right fist and sent it smashing into the grape boys face as hard as she could.
             A loud crack was heard and it almost echoed. The class was silent and I stealed a glance at Aizawa to see that he looked like he was trying not to laugh. I smiled a bit and walked over to Kotori and the now unconscious boy. "Nice hit. It sure rocked him huh?" She huffed at my lame attempt at humor and dropped the short teenager to the dust by her feet. "He sure as hell deserved it for what he said." I chuckled and we walked back over to our spot by a large oak tree.
          "Well, time to start. First up is the ball throw that Machiko just demonstrated. Bakugou, you're up first." Aizawa stated like nothing happened and tossed the softball to Bakugou who fumbled to catch it, still in a state of shock. He snapped out of it and walked to the circle and threw the ball with a large explosion that made the students cover their ears. It didn't help that he screamed "DIE!!!" As loud as possible. Same old Bakugou.
           After some girl named Uraraka got infinity it was my turn. I stepped into the circle and cought the ball that was tossed to me. I took a deep breath and summoned a ball of orange flames and wrapped it around the sodtball. I then threw it as hard as I could. Once it started to decend I made the flames carry it and the ball started going way faster than when I threw it. I closed my eyes to focus on making the ball go as far as possible once it was out of range and I couldn't feel it anymore I opened my eyes to look at Aizawa for my results.
            "905.75 meters. Well done kid, most flame users can't do that." I had to force down the grin from being complimented by a man I considered family. Even if he didn't know it was me. I nodded at him and gave a small smile and went to stand by Kotori again. After everyone went we started on a bunch of other tests that helped Aizawa get am idea of where we were at quirk wise.
            We where doing the 50 meter dash right now and it was my turn. To bad I got stuck with Bakugou as a partner. "Ready, set, go!" As soon as Aizawa said go I created a board of orange flames beneath my feet and started flying towards the finish line. Bakugou was just barley behind me, carrying himself with his explosions. I crossed the finish line first and I expected that Bakugou would make a big deal about it but instead he just looked lost in thought.
           I looked at my time and saw that I got 2.78. That was pretty good. I think the best actually, Iida got 2.94 and his quirk is pretty much made to make him fast. Kotori went next with a kid named Kaminari. She just lifted herself with her telekinesis and flew to the finish line leaving Kaminari in the dust. She got 2.83. Better than Iida, but not as good as me.
             We were finally done and I looked up at the test scores. I got first in the 50 meter dash, the push ups, and tied with Kotori for the long jump. She got first in the sit and reach and grip test as she could just use her ability to crush pretty much anything. We actually ended up tieing for first with a girl named Yaoyoroza in second. Todoroki got third and Bakugou got fourth. He surprised me yet again by not freaking out and again just looked thoughtful. He's acting very strange.
            I pushed the thoughts out of my head when Aizawa started to speak. "You've all done fairly well and I'm impressed with a few of you. I can tell that most of you actually trained your quirks before coming here. But, as I said at the beginning, the person who comes in last is expelled. Mineta, please go and gather your things. I'll see if the principle can get you into a different school." The gape boy burst into tears and started sobbing, trying to hug Yaoyoroza for support. She was having nothing of it and pushed him off her and onto the dusty ground. She was however, confused about why he was being expelled.
            "But sir, wasn't it just a logical ruse to get us to do our best?" Mineta looked very hopeful as she said this. I decided to ruin it for what he said earlier. "Well, not really. You probably would have been right had it been someone that Mr.Aizawa saw potential in. Like, say it was Kirishima who came in last, but Mr.Aizawa saw potential in him so he would say that it was a logical ruse so that Kirishima got another chance to prove himself."
            Yaoyoroza nodded in understanding while Mineta started bawling agin.
            Me and Kotori snickered, not really feeling bad as he would probably just be tranfered to a different school anyways. "Congratulations to Machiko and Akatanni for getting first place. You both showed excellent control over your quirks and didn't exert yourself to the point of exhaustion." He said while looking over at a few students who were looking about ready to pass out. We really hadn't done that much, how were they that tired?
             "Alright everyone, back inside. Be back in the classroom in the next five minuts or I'll rethink letting you stay in my class." Everyone started sprinting towards the school building while me and Kotori jogged while talking casually about going to a cafe after school with Toshi.

             We got back to the classroom first and sat down. Kotori quickly fell asleep again and left me with no one to talk to. Usually I wouldn't mind this, but I was feeling a bit energetic and I needed to do something even if it was just have a conversation. I started fidgitting in my seat and my head wipped to the door when it opened.  In came the boy with a birds head who's name I believe was Tokoyami. He sat in the seat next to me and looked ahead quietly.
            "Hello, Tokoyami was it?" He turned and looked at me surprised but nodded. "You're Akatanni right?" I gave him a lazy smile and nodded. "So Tokoyami, your quirk seems to have a mind of its own, what's it supposed to do?" He blinked and shrugged. "My quirk is called Dark Shadow. It's a shadow monster that I can manifest at will and control, but yes, sometimes he gets excited and he'll get out of hand." He explained while looking in the other direction broodingly.
            "Wow, that's actually really cool. Why's it called Dark Shadow though?" He blushed and closed his eyes. "I was five." I chuckled and and nodded in understanding. "What's your quirk? Obviously something to do with fire, but what's it do? I've never seen someone ride on a surfboard of flames before. Not even in my souls darkest dreams." I blinked at his use of language before explaining.
           "My quirk is called multi-flames. It allows me to create flames of every color, but different colors can do different things. I tend to use orange a lot because it doesn't burn anything." He looked very surprised before he made a mask of dark brooding and nodded. This is obviously the beginning of a very beautiful friendship. Obviously. I'm sure Kotori and Toshi would approve.

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