'Meeting Shinsou for the first time'

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          I woke up feeling like absolute shit. My sleep schedule is going to be completely fucked from being a vigilant isn't it? I need to invest in a coffee machine. But then I would need a generator to power it. You know what? Fuck this I'm steeling power from the power lines. There already connected to the warehouse, I just need to find out how to turn it on.  I'll also need to instal outputs to charge things. Oh my god is this what being an adult feels like?
          I yawned and got up from my spot on the bottom of my crate. I went to the one next to me and grabbed my toothbrush. I used a water bottle to wet the toothpaste before spitting it out in a bucket. I need to empty that out today.
          Well the good news is that I found this cool ass store that had a bunch of costumes and makeup inside last night. I found red contacts for a  reasonable price. At least I think so, I don't know what 'reasonable price' means for coloured contact lenses. But now if Shinsou decides to stop by the caffe I look exactly like the description I gave him last night. That's good, and I might even make a friend.

       It being Saturday, I had work. I really shouldn't have started being a vigilante the day before me having work, even if my shift was in the evening. I rubbed at my eyes before heading to a crate that had my clothes in it. I put on a white t-shirt and skinny cameo pants with black and white skater shoes. I yawned for the fifth time that day before heading out to work with Lightening and Flame walking behind me.

        I was about an hour into my shift when the one and only Shinsou Hitoshi walks in. And because I'm socially awkward I just gave him a closed eye smile before going back to cleaning the table. But because the universe hated me, he started to walk up to me. "Are you Mokumo Akatanni? Your older brother told me to try and be friends with you." I looked up at him and even though he had a blank look on his face I could see the absolute panic in his eyes. Looks like we have both have no idea how to socialize.
          I nodded at him and stuck my hand out. "Nice to meet you. You must be Shinsou. My brother said your really awkward. But that's fine cause I am to." WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT IZUKU!? WHY IS THAT HOW YOU DECIDE TO START A CONVERSATION!?? 
         I heard a chuckle feom him so that means I didn't offend him. Good. I don't want him to hate me before we even get to know each other. "Great because socialising really isn't my thing."
            "Right, because having two socially awkward teens is better than having one." I say sarcastically. He just laughed and nodded slightly. "Well since your here, want to get something to eat?"
         He nodded and went to take a seat near the back of the caffe. He started to look at the paintings around the small building, smiling slightly. I chuckled before going up to him and asking what he wanted. "I'll have a black coffee and a maple scone."
           I smiled and wrote it down on my little note pad. "That will be right out." I said before walking away to give the order to Meya so she could cook it. When it was done I walked back over to Shinsou to see my cats crawling on him. Lightening was on his lap while Flame was curled up in his gravity defying purple hair, purring. Shinsou looked like he was in heaven. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him before he could notice.
          I put his order down in front of him before scratching Flame behind the ear. "I didn't know this cafe had cats." I smiled at him and nodded.
         "Their mine, but Sonya let's me leave them here when I'm at home and not working. The black one is Lightening and the other one is Flame."
         "Those are odd names for a cat." Shinsou stated monotounly. "I named them after their quirks. I'm sure you can guess what they are by their names." I said, smirking slightly at the shocked look on his face. "Oh. That's pretty cool. So are they like Nezu, or..." He trailed off slightly. I shook my head no. "They're definitely smarter than normal cats, but not Nezu smart."
          He nodded. "Hey, when do you get off work? We could hang out off you want." I smiled as I chirped my reply happily. "Sure! And I get off at 3:00. Which is in 32 minuts." I stated before grabbing his napkin and pulling the pen from my pocket and wrote down my number on it. Handing it back to him, I smiled again before waving and walking away.
         I heard him snort as I left-which is rude!-before the sound of him sipping his coffee reached my ears. I'm still tired as fuck but the thought of hanging out with Shinsou made me slightly less tired. I had a friend my age for the first time since I was six years old! Well, if you didnt count Machiko. I have the right to be happy about making a friend.

          Shinsou waited at his table until the end of my shift. I had gotten text a few minutes ago and I could only assume it was him sending me a message so I could save his number. I went to the back room and took off my apron hanging it on a hook before grabbing my wallet from my small locker. I ran a hand through my hair before walking out and towards Shinsou.
         But the universe hated me remember? So because of that, four men in masks suddenly broke the door down and stormed into the place pointing guns at the customers. I was around the corner so they couldn't see me. "Nobody move! You!," he said pointing at Sonya who was behind the counter. "Give me all the money in that register and you get to live!" I stayed hidden for a moment as Sonya started to gather the cash from the sparkly painted register.
         When they where all turned around facing the customers I walked behind one and tapped him on the shoulder. He started to turn around. "Wh-" I had punched him in the face before he could finish his sentence. He fell to the ground out cold from my well placed punch. The other three guys all turned to me pointing their guns. Two shots went off but I had turned the bullets into molten metal before they could reach me. The flames that melted the bullets were a dark purple and released an incredible amount of heat. I had found out recently that o could control the color of my flamad and the different colors did different things. Like green could heal wounds and fade scars. I'd found this out when I was touching my autopsy scar and it almost disappeared. Red turns things into ash almost immediately and orange was room temperature and didn't burn anything. Purple can melt anything and yellow was kind of just normal fire.
          The men started to release all of their bullets at me, but they only had small hand guns and I had my scalding hot flames wrapped around me so they ran out of bullets quickly. When they did I punched the tallest dude in the gut before spin kicking the shortest. I could already tell none of them had strong quirks from the way they acted when they came in. It might not be obvious but they were unsure of themselves, and a little scared too.
          The tallest man tried to punch me, but I side stepped causing him to stumble into the shortest. The next man that tried to punch me had metal knuckles. Better avoid getting hit my those. I ducked down and kicked his knee. He fell to the ground with a shout before trying to stab my leg with a knife he had pulled from his pocket. Just then police officers ran in and pointed their guns at the criminals.
         I looked around for Shinsou before spotting him near the window holding my cats and his phone. He must have been the one to call the police. I walked up to him, grabbing my cats from him and hugging them. "Your the vigilant that saved me arn't you?"
        Well shit.

Do you know how hard it is to write dialogue? It's fucking awful and I hate it but I'm gonna do it anyways cause I want this to be a good fucking story god damn it!

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