A Sweet Day Turned Sour

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My morning has been pretty good so far. I shared a piece of bread with Lightening and Flame for breakfast, the bruise on my ribs is smaller, the power was back on, and! That's it, but it's still better than most of my mornings so that's a win. I was humming a song by Cavetown while putting on my new favorite shoes. I couldn't wait to see the look on Kacchans face when he sees I'm not wearing those huge red shoes anymore! They where knockoffs anyway. Petting Lightening and Flame, I gave them some food and water before leaving to school.

I arrived at school, early as always as to not have to much trouble getting to class. I believe we're getting a new student today. I hope their not against quirkless people, but knowing my luck they might as well be as bad as Kacchan. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
I had a small smile on my face as I walked to class thinking of a funny cat meme I'd seen this morning. Apparently Tsubasa didn't like this, because he pushed me onto the ground and kicked my leg. Ouch.
I walked into my classroom and took my seat, doing my best to ignore the harsh insults being thrown at me. A few minutes the teacher arived and announced that we are getting a new student today. He called for the kid to enter the class. A tall girl with dirty blonde hair in eight braids walked in. She was wearing leggenings beneath her skirt and she gave off the vibe of someone you didn't want to mess with.
"Please state your name and quirk." The teacher said in a fake nice voice. The girl could tell if the raised eyebrow she was giving him was anything to go off of. She just sighed and said,"My name is Machiko Kotori, and I don't want to tell you my quirk because it's personal and it's illegal for any of you to force me to say it."
I already love her. She just give the vibe of a person that says 'don't say bullshit near me or your dead'. I love it. I also like how she wears the uniform, with it all messy and loose. It says 'I'm not a bitch, but I'll make you mine' kind of thing going on. AUTHORS NOTE- to all u readers who think thers gonna be a ship in dis book, ther aint so don get ur hopes up-END OF AUTHORS NOTE
I want to be friends with her really bad, but alas, I'm quirkless. Oh well, I'll just admire her no bullshit attitude from here. "Well the only spot open is next to Midoriya, so MIDORIYA! Raise your hand so Kotori knows where you sit." OR FUCKING NOT!
I raised my hand slowly and looked at Kotori. She looked back with a blank face. Then she said something that made it almost impossible to not laugh. "At least I don't have to sit next to the dandelion with anger issues." SHE CALLED KACCHAN AN ANGRY DANDELION! I'M DYING TRYING TO LOOK SURPRISED!
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!" Oh right, Kacchans going to throw a fit about it. Still worth it. "Huh? How'd y'know I was talking bout you? I could have been talking to that kid. He looks kinda angry." She said pointing to a different guy with blonde hair. Kacchan looked shocked while Kotori just sighed and took her seat next to me. Then she turned to face me slightly anD FUCKING WINKED AT ME! SHE PLANNED THE ENTIRE THING DIDN'T SHE!?

The end of the school day came around and me and Kotori became friends! I have a friend for the first time since I was six years old! "See ya tomorrow Midoriya." Kotori said waving lazily at before leaving. I smiled slightly before heading home myself.

I stepped up to the front door of my apartment before stopping. I could smell achohol. I eased the door open cautisly peeking inside to see Inko on the couch with empty bear bottles laying around her. The T.V was on but I don't think she was watching it. She looked lost in thought. I tip-toed into the apparent and gently closed the door.
I started my way to the stairs and she still hadn't noticed me yet. As soon as I put my foot down on the first step it made a loud creaking noise. Shit! I thought as Inko turned at the sound. "Izuku...wwwhy are you tryinnggg to snneak passst your mottther?commme heerr." She slurred.
I walked wearily towards Inko, not making eye contact. "Yes mother?" I said quietly, but still loud enough for her to hear. I staired at the floor. "Yyourrr a missstake. Youuurrr the reassson heee leffft! YOUU MADE HIMM LEAVVE!" I looked up at Inko, now scared she might do something.
Inko smiled wickedly at me before summoning a knife from the kitchen with her quirk. My eyes widened and I tried to take a step back but it was to late. I cried out ad the knife stabbed deep into my shoulder.
Inko laughed maniclly while I collapsed to the floor in pain, grabbing my shoulder where I was stabbed. But she wasn't done. She kicked my jaw, sending me onto my back before she stabbed the knife into my stomach. She then wobbled and fell to the floor, unconscious from to much achohol flooding her systom.
Tears poured down my face as I tried to sit up. After a few seconds of struggling I managed to get up and stumble upstairs and into the bathroom. The tears had stopped but the blood had not. I needed to do stitches on them. I did my best best to clean and wrap the stab wounds, hoping she hadn't hit anything critical before grabbing a few towels and slowly walking to my room and laying the fluufy towels on my bed.
Lightening and Flame mewoed at me before hopping up to my bed and rubbing against my thighs. I scratched behind their ears before gently laying down on the towels to try and sleep. The kittens snuggled against me purring. It was a calming noise, but it didn't stop the awful thoughts from seeping into my mind.
No one wants me. No one loves me. I have no friends,- Kotori popped into my mind for a minute before the thought that she actually liked me disappeared- and everyone hates me, even my own mother. Kacchan was right, I'm just a weak, quirkless hero wannabe. I'll never get anywhere so I might as well just stop my suffering now instead of wait for the enebidle. And with these thoughts, I fell into a dreammless slumber.

I woke up feeling awful and dehydrated. I felt depressed and angry an I was in so much pain. But the fact that i wasnt deasmd meant thay Inko hadn't kit anything important. I was still in a lot of pain, both mentally and physically. But I still got up and got dressed and went to school, all the while ignoring the yowls of my cats.

I arrived at school late, but I must have looked so dead that nobody bothered me. Kotori kept giving me worried glanced and asking if I was ok. I didn't respond even though she kept trying all day.

The end of the day rolled around and I took the chance to escape from Kotori and head to the roof top. I stood there staring at the sun and the blue sky behind it. Of course Kacchan had to ruin the peacfull mood.
"Oi nerd, why'er you up here? Schools over." I turned to face him and I must have looked worse than I thought because he took a step back and his eyes widened as far as they could go. If I wasn't about to kill myself I might have thought the sight amusing.
"Isn't this what you always wanted Kachan? Your the one who told me to take a swan dive off the roof" I said as I slowly climbed to the other side of the fence. "Oi deku, get down from there!" I turned to look at him. Kacchan started running towards me, but it was to late. I had already jumped. I heard two people scream my name as I fell.


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