you don't love me, so I'll do it myself

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It was dark.
And it was cold.
And it hurt.

        It felt like fire was burning beneath my skin. I could hear people screaming, a boy and a girl. One screaming for me to wake up. The other saying their sorry. But I couldn't do anything about it. I was in to much agony. I didn't want to wake up. So I didn't.

         I opened my eyes slightly. And immediately snapped them shut when I was met with a blinding white light. Wait light? I thought I was dead. Guess not. To bad so sad.
          I opened my eyes again to adjust to the bright light so I could see where I am. I blinked blearily and looked at my surroundings. I was in a small room that would look  like a hospital if not for the fact there was no windows. That's odd. Where am I?
            Graoning slightly I sat up to look for my clothes. They where in a bag and freshly washed. Thad good, don't want to walk around with bloody clothing. People might get the wrong idea.
             I was about to put on my shirt when I saw a scar on my chest and stomach. DID I HAVE A FUCKING AUTOPSY!? WHAT THE HELL! None of this makes sense. I jumped off of a building and died, then I wake up in god knows where, and I have a fucking autopsy scar! If I had an autopsy then I should be dead, not sitting in a room panicking because I'm supposed to be dead.
           I grabbed my hair and pulled slightly, hoping to just wake up from some horrible nightmare. I was shaking like a leaf when red and orange flames lit up on my hands and in my hair. I screamed and fell backwards and the flames disappeared. I hesitantly reached a hand out and focused on my palm. A small red flame lit a few centimeters above my hand. I laughed shakily, feeling like I was going to pass out.
          I pictured the flames curling around my hand. And that's what it did. I had a quirk. I HAD A QUIRK! I started laughing, small and shaky at first, still not believing it. Then hard and joyas. I got up from the ground as tears of joy streamed down my face. After years of discrimination and abuse I finally had a quirk. It looked like pyrokenesis, a mix between my parents quirks.
         I wonder if Inko will love me know? That thought stopped my laughter, and I thought about how everyone had treated me for something I couldn't control. I felt anger boiling up inside me. Anger at Inko, anger at my dad, and especially at Bakugo.  How could they treat me like this? Their own son, abused and neglected and bullied by my supposed 'bestfriend' what a joke.
          Well they certainly don't love me, but that's fine. I'll just have to love myself. Then Kotori crossed my mind. It was her that has screamed my name. The girl that didn't give a fuck about anything and would rather sleep all day than interact with people panicked because of me. She must have actually thought of me as her friend. Then another thought crossed my mind.
         THE KITTENS! THEIR PROBABLY STILL IN MY ROOM! I JUST LEFT THEM THERE! Ok so the main things on my to do list are- get Lightening and Flame from Inko's apartment, then go say goodbye to Kotori.- Kittens first!
         And with that I buttoned up my shirt and slowly opened the door to see if anyone was outside. Then I eased it shut and started down the hallway. It took almost fifteen minutes, but I found the way out. Too bad there's a receptionist sitting right there. How the hell do I get passed her!? Oh right! I can just knock her out. Wait what about the cameras? Nevermind I'll deal with that later.
         I silently walked up behind her, masking my presence to the best of my ability, before chopping a spot on her neck fairly hard. She slumped against the desk and I did a small victory dance for my new a achievement. Still smiling I walked out the door to see I was in the lower part of Musutafu. I knew I needed to get some kind of disguise to go back to the apartment without being noticed. I looked around before seeing a barber shop.
          Thank god I still had my wallet on me. I opened it up to see if the money inside was wet. It looked like it had gotten wet then dried again. Good enough for me! I walked inside and greeted the plump lady behind the counter. She smiled at me and told me to sit down at one of the chairs. "Ok sweetie, what do you want?" She asked kindly. Oh shit I didn't even think about what I  wanted. Well I always wanted to dye my hair white so maybe...
          "Not sure, what do you think would look good on me?" She smirked before saying I should get an undercut. "I like that. Should I bleach it white to?" I asked coyly. She practicly squealed. "Oooohhh it's been years since I did something fun!" She exclaimed excitedly. I laughed slightly as she got to work.

About an hour later, me and Mrs.Willson hard become pretty good friends. She was from America where she said people where much more tolerant of quirkless people. We talked for a few minutes more before I payed her (I got a discount) and left to go back to Inko's apartment to get the kittens.

          I came to a stop outside the door and took a deep breath. Both to calm myself and see if Inko was drinking again. I couldn't smell anything so I gently opened the door and peaked inside. She was curled into a ball on the couch. There where bloodstains on the carpet before her and it looked like she had been crying. Probably because she beat her only child before they killed themselves.
         I walked silently up to my room and saw Lightening and Flame curled up on my bed. I walked over to them and pet behind their ears. They woke up and looked surprise to see me. I smiled at them before the launched themselves at me, meowing loudly. "Shhh, Inko's sleeping." I whispered and they quieted down a bit. I placed them back on the bed before grabbing a black duffel bag from my closet and putting clothes and neccicerties inside.
        I changed my clothes as well. I was wearing a dark red t-shirt with ash grey skinny jeans. I pulled a maroon hoodie that said 'No Bull' in big black letters. I grabbed my phone and lapotop to. I ran my fingers through my now white hair before sighing. I'd have to get rid of my notebooks. They had information that should not be in the wrong hands. I grabbed all of them and activated my quirk, watching years of hard work be burned right before my eyes.
         I couldn't take them with my because they wouldn't fit in my bag and because there's still a chance someone could find them. There also pretty heavy all together. Oh well. Now to tell Kotori good Bye.

        I was I front of a nice apartment building that Kotori supposedly lived in. With all the eves and balconies it should be easy to scale. There where no security cameras either. With is good for me, bad for them. I placed my bag and the cats on a dumpster and told them to stay there. And my journey to the fourth floor begins.

         Climbing a building is very hard. I almost fell like five times. But I made it so it was worth it. I nocked on her window and watched her jump out of bed, knife in hand. She glared at my frozen form for a minute before opening the window and pulling me inside. We stood there for a few minutes in awkward silence before I said something. "You have very good reflexes. Most people who keep a knife beneath their pillow usually don't use it when a burglar breaks in."
         She stairs at me blankly for a minute before punching me in the gut. That was the strongest punch I've  ever felt. Even worse than when Bakugo used his explosions. I fell to the floor and died for a minute before slowly getting back up. "I see you jump from a rooftop, then you magically survive, then you break into my apartment and comment on my reflexes!? What is wrong with you and how are you alive!?" She looked close to tears as she yelled at me.
          I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm not sure how I survived, but I did. And I somehow gained a quirk from it." I said while lighting a purple flame in my palm. One thing I learned on my way over here is that I could control the color of my flames.
           Kotori just sighed before hugging me tightly. "This is a goodbye isn't it?" I nodded. She just sighed and ran her fingers through my hair. "I like the new look. No one will recognize you."
             "I sure hope not, that would be an awkward conversation." Kotori chuckled slightly. "Are you sure your not a guy? Because your the only girl I know that acts like this. Or wears sweats to bed." I asked with a cocked head.
            "I'm American. There most girls act more like guys anyway. And to make you feel better, two of my best friends where quirkless so I could care less if you have one or not." She stated matter of factly.
            "Thank you Kotori. Your friendship means a lot to me." I said sadly. "Yeah yeah, just hurry and change your name and I'll see you in U.A. high. I'm gonna be hero and so are you." I felt like crying at that statement. I hugged her tightly and was genuinely surprised at the amount of muscle on her body. "You never did tell me your quirk. Mind telling me?" She smirked slightly.
          "It's telepathy. I also have telekinesis. Their both pretty strong." She said rubbing th back of her neck. "Wait, then did you know, about what happened to me?" She shook her head. "No. I didn't want to invade your privacy. But I did look into the angry dandelions head and I hate him now. But it's almost midnight. You should leave before someone catches you." I nodded at her and we hugged one last time before I climbed down the apartment building to the parking lot below.
         I waved at her before jogging to the alleyway where I left my stuff and the kittens. I smiled at them and placed them back on my shoulders before carefully placing my duffel bag around my neck as to not hurt Flame. I smiled and hummed a song as I walked down the empty street. For the first time in long while, I felt free.

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